Look to The Lord
Kalangan Sendiri

Look to The Lord

eva Official Writer
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Micah 7:7

But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm78[/bible];[bible]Hebre12[/bible];[bible]Jerem5-6[/bible]

Have you ever heard a story from the book " Expectation Corners "? It is a story of a king who built a city for his poor people . Not far from their place, he also built a large warehouse, where they could get their needs simply by submitting their requests. However, there is one condition - they must be waiting for the answer, so when the messenger came to deliver answers to their petitions, the men were found in a state ready and waiting.

Sadly, there is one person who never expected to get what he asked for, he felt that he was not worthy. Until one day he was taken to a warehouse owned by the king, and he was amazed by many things which were addressed for him.There were clothes of praising, oil of joy and many more. All of them were neatly wrapped and ready to be sent, but when the king's messenger arrived at his home, his door was closed because he did not wait. Since then, that man learnt about what Micah said, “But I will be waiting for the Lord, will expect God who saves me ; And my God will hear me ! "

Waiting for an answer of prayer is not the whole part of the waiting, but it is only a part. While waiting, we must continue to be alert so that when the answer of that prayer comes, we are ready. Likewise Micah, we have to wait and expect God, it demonstrates a desire and faith. Faith is shown clearly when Micah says, “My God will hear me!”

Waiting requires patience and test our perseverance. Let us be like Micah, we wait for the Lord, not the courier who delivered the answer of our petitions, but let's wait for God. Let's invite the King of Kings, to be present in our lives, walk and have a fellowship with us. Thus we can say obviously, my God will hear me!

Are we waiting for God or just waiting for the answer of our prayers?

Ikuti Kami