Why Love Should Be Firm?
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Why Love Should Be Firm?

eva Official Writer
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Psalms 32:9

Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, Else they will not come near you

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm72[/bible];[bible]Hebre6[/bible];[bible]zepha1-3[/bible]

James McConkey is a famous Biblical evangelist in early 20th century. When he was traveling to Europe with a group of tourists, he climbed the mountain of Alpen, Swiss, and being amazed on it.

Their xperienced guides lead them carefully through the steep cliffs and dangerous ice field. At one point he was guiding the hikers through a wide detour for their safety. However, a tourist who was tired decided to take a shortcut. He left the trail and walked according to his own will. The tour guide pursued, captured, and dragged him back to the road. Then he explained that the layer of snow that tourist wanted to go through was a thin crust of ice that covers a large crack. The shortcut can be a long and deadly journey into the ice river.

Our great guide, Jesus Christ, know that we should avoid the dangers on the way. Sometimes He had to guide us through detours that seem unnecessary. If we decide to leave the path of obedience, He may be forced to use painful way to pull us back to the spiritual state of safe ([bible]hebre12:3-11[/bible]). But eventually, we will understand that our Great Guide discipline is motivated by His love who always want to give protection. How we should be grateful for His firm love!



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