Being Amazed by The Blessing
Kalangan Sendiri

Being Amazed by The Blessing

eva Official Writer
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Matthew 5:8

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm64[/bible];[bible]0Mark14[/bible];[bible]Hosea8-10[/bible]

How do you respond when you receive a tremendous blessing? We all want to be blessed. Do we accept it with gratitude? Or do you let your life being mastered by blessing?

In Luke, told that Jesus got into one of the boat of Simon, a fisherman who later would be named Peter by Jesus. At that day, Simon and his brothers did not catch fish, but Jesus gave the command to let down the nets and a large number of fish so it almost made his net torn and overturned.

In Luke 5:8, Simon responded that tremendous blessing with an unusual way, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" When looking at the blessings that he got, Simon realized that Jesus is powerful. When looking at himself, he realized who he was and was not worth it. He realized that He needed a Savior.

Jesus made Simon amazed by those fishes that he received because He wanted Peter to follow Him and to know Him better. God did the same thing with us, when He wants us to receive His blessing; we are amazed by the Giver of blessing, instead only focused on His blessing. Jesus wants us to know Him personally through His blessing. Moreover, God wants to realize that He loves us.

God wants us not only amazed because of His blessing, but we must remember who gave the blessing.

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