Defeating A Giant of Sin
Kalangan Sendiri

Defeating A Giant of Sin

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Roman 6:11-12

In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm62[/bible];[bible]0Mark12[/bible]; [bible]Hosea4-5[/bible]

Do you know how can sin rule over our bodies so that we would not want to follow the desires of sin? It all begins with small things.

Goliath did not suddenly become a giant. He was born as a baby, grew into children, then teenagers, then adults and had manisted as a giant. Likewise sin, starts from something small that we often underestimate. In beginning someone might have said, "it's okay to drink a little alcohol." Then he began to frequently go out with friends, drinking a little alcohol. Then all of them has been a lifestyle, and it finally mastered his life and made him into an alcoholic.

That is sin, when we compromise with sins that we consider it and trivial, it gradually will begin to plunder our lives, and we are ultimately enslaved by sin. So how do I fix this?

Just like David, there is no negotiation, he immediately attacked and killed the giant.

The only way for us to be free from the slavery of sin is to "die over sin" and start “to live for God in Jesus Christ." We died with Christ through His cross and be born again as children of God by inviting Him as Lord and Savior. Furthermore, we have to change our lifestyle by living as what Christ did ([bible]ijohn2:2-6 [/bible]).

Do not compromise with sin, and destroy it before it is getting big and becomes a giant who rules your life.

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