Enjoying the Result of Faith
Kalangan Sendiri

Enjoying the Result of Faith

eva Official Writer
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Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm51[/bible];[bible]0Mark1[/bible];[bible]Isaia55-56[/bible]  

In [bible]iicor5:7[/bible], God taught us to live not by our sights, but by faith. Why? Because if we live and then see all things happen (failure, problems, suck people), then there will be disappointment, anxious, bitterness, and frustration.

A son of God is laid off. It seems bad for him. However, God apparently gives a new job that is much better and higher than before. It does not mean that we have to wait until be laid off, but we are taught not to hesitate the maintenance of God and always give thanks in every situation.

When we have problem, sometimes there is no one around us who give us support and the way out since they don’t understand what we are feeling. Thank God who is able to give us support, the faint, as what He says in His words, “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength [bible]Isaia40:29[/bible].  

Walk by faith every day, then you will be joyful and enjoy its result.

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