Be thankful to Him
Kalangan Sendiri

Be thankful to Him

eva Official Writer
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Psalms 100:4

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm43[/bible];[bible]iitim1[/bible];[bible]isaia39-40[/bible]


On Psalm 100 above there are two commands, both commanded us to communicate directly with God, they are: praising God and thanking Him. In Hebrew, "thankful" means "admitting, praising, justifying, exalting, and thanking." It's more than just saying, "Lord thank you for the blessing." It is a form of thanksgiving which indicates that God as our hero and savior.

It is like the story of a doctor who is able to save us from chronic and deadly diseases. We tell others with gratitude, praise, and even it perhaps literally cannot be spoken with words.

If you look at the signs of the doomsday in II Timothy 3:2, one sign of the doomsday is ungrateful. So it should be alert and cannot be viewed lightly. We have to make thanking and gratitude as a lifestyle of children of the kingdom of God.

Today God wants us to recall these basic points as a grateful person. Many things that need to be grateful in this life, even the salvation that we receive through the sacrifice of Christ is the greatest thing that should always be grateful. Have you already thanked God today?

To be grateful, we do not need to wait for the good things because God has already done all that are good in our lives.

Ikuti Kami