Stay Connected
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Stay Connected

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm33[/bible];[bible]ithes5[/bible];[bible]Isaia19-20[/bible]

I woke up one morning and discovered that my internet connection was not working. My service provider conducted some tests and concluded that my modem needed to be replaced, but the earliest they could do so was the next day. I panicked a little when I thought about being without the internet connection for 24 hours! I thought, how am I going to survive without it?

Then I asked myself, would I also panic if my connection with God was disrupted for a day? We keep our connection with God alive by spending time in His Word and in prayer. Then we are to be “doers of the Word” ([bible]James1:22-24[/bible]).

The writer of Psalm 119 recognized the importance of a connection to God. He asked God to teach him His statutes and give him understanding of His law (vv.33-34). Then he prayed that he would observe it with his whole heart (v.34), walk in the path of God’s commandments (v.35), and turn away his eyes from looking at worthless things (v.37). By meditating on God’s Word and then applying it, the psalmist stayed “connected” to God.

God has given us His Word as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path to lead us to Him.

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