Love Criticism
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Love Criticism

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

1Peter 4:14-15

If men say evil things of you because of the name of Christ, happy are you; for the Spirit of glory and of God is resting on you. Let no one among you undergo punishment as a taker of life, or as a thief, or as an evil-doer, or as one who is over-interested in other men's business


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm59[/bible];[bible]0Mark3[/bible];[bible]Numbe1-2[/bible]

The former rector of Kings College in New York, DR. Robert A Cook on television program, has ever shared about his experiences while getting so many critics at the first year of his ministry. Those critics came from same levels, starting form his colleagues, clerics, and even from other people.

Cook shared about everything in his heart and asked for some advises from Harry Ironside, the cleric and also his best friend about how to keep standing up upon all critics that came into his life. A simply advice and strong has been spoken out from his best friend. “Bob, if those critics are true, accept it gracefully! However, if those are true, then forget it!”

It is no longer known how Cook applying the advice of his friend. But if Cook to make his experience as testimony to others in a television show, there is value and strength which are so great from it. Another day, Cook becomes a person who filled by talent and known as a pastor, Christian author and radio broadcaster.

Cook becomes a pastor in Baptist church and served for 18 years. He wrote a famous book entitled Now That I Believe which has been translated into 27 languages ​​and sold more than a million copies. Cook has also been asked as the president of the National Association of Evangelicals and the president of the National Religious Broadcasters.

A criticism leveled at us to build but can also drop us. Not a criticism of how the content is, but of how it and our mindset to cultivate criticism.

Through criticism, we can pronouce the love of Christ, love everyone who critics on us and ourselves to stay positive in accepting improper criticism and willing to change if the criticism is true.


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