Nor Will Be Forsaken
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Nor Will Be Forsaken

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Hebrews 13:5

Be ye free from the love of money; content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will in no wise fail thee; neither will I in any wise forsake thee


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm58[/bible];[bible]0Mark2[/bible];[bible]Levit26-27[/bible]

Have we always felt deprivation although our economy needs actually have already been covered well? Or have you ever felt the situation when you have nothing but you are able to fulfill all your interests, though you have to pray hard or do something extremely?

Jesus had ever been in that situation. He knows what hunger is, what it looks like or vice versa when He fed 5000 people. It also happens to Paul. While preaching, Paul had to fulfill his needs by working. So, he definitely knows what he is talking about how to fulfill our selves by anything in us.

If you are not enough, then you will pursue money. If you become the covetous, then you never care about the eternal life and keep waiting for something bigger to be fulfilled. Consequently, we will lose the essential of life and not to pursue the eternal life.

Believe that God’s promise is the best way out. He has pronounced that we will not be left away. Nor He never let us fall down, we just believe that He will do the best.

Just do the best, and give all of them to God then He will act upon you. The guarantee is that He never leaves or lets us walking alone.


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