The First Step
Kalangan Sendiri

The First Step

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverbs 13:4

The hater of work does not get his desires, but the soul of the hard workers will be made fat.


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Isaia47-48[/bible];[bible]Hosea5[/bible];[bible]0John3-5[/bible]

Have you ever gotten drowned in your favorite activity until you do not care about the passing time and ignoring others? It means that you are one of those who have a good concentration – and generally we are part of them. 

Talking about concentration, it also talks about the seriousness and persistence. Then, if we take a look to our daily spiritual life, is anyone of us who have both of them? Are we really serious reading the Bible according to its direction which has been prepared? Do we always thank God in our stormy life? Are we consistent to pray our foes? Or maybe we never start to realize it.

I always remember to what my lecture advice by saying, “If you want to write the final project, start it by sitting around the library, reading books, then you will be automatically driven to a situation of doing your final project. Sooner or later, you will get ‘hot’ and being difficult to stop.” The same principal is also applied to constructing a good behavior. We must start it by small things. Although, it seems has no any impact, but we are actually setting fire to that willingness unconsciously.   

We have many good plans. The most difficult to do is taking the first step. However, if its step has been taken, then the next step will be easy to take. The proverb of Salome says that lazier has much willingness, but it is just in vain. Why does it happen? Because its willingness never be done. So, before we imagine its incredible ending, just start with the first step.   

The journey of a thousand miles begins from one step. – Lao Tzu

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