Wisdom From God
Kalangan Sendiri

Wisdom From God

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverbs 2:11-12

Wise purposes will be watching over you, and knowledge will keep you;

Bible Reading for a Year:[bible]Ezeki6-7[/bible];[bible]0Mark14[/bible];[bible]Phili4[/bible]

Today, social media facilitated us with thousands of information every second, which we can access for 24 hours non-stop. Lately, the people of Indonesia as preoccupied with social media Twitter, where the artists and the political elite are not separated from its social media. Phenomenon that often occurs in a Twitter user is, they follow many accounts which may not be really known or are not needed.

Dissemination of information through accounts that we follow, should be followed wisely. A lot of messages, words of wisdom, and the facts that we can get from social media, but they are not necessarily worthwhile for us. There are so many values ​​that are "polished" looked so wonderful to hear, but we have to consider the wisdom of God, whether these values ​​really related to the words of God or not.

This does not mean that we should stop our activities in social media. Indeed, the media is neutral. We need to note is that we should ask for God's wisdom that can lead us to discern the real truth, and which one of mere engineering of the human mind itself.

The wisdom of God is the most powerful weapon in the battle against worldly wisdom.

Ikuti Kami