Bless Through The Words
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Bless Through The Words

eva Official Writer
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Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupt speech proceeds out of your mouth, but such as is good for edifying as the need may be, that it may give grace to them that hear.

Bible Reading for Year:[bible]Psalm41[/bible];[bible]0Acts13[/bible];[bible]Genes31-32[/bible]
Right in today, Sunday, February 10, 2013, most of the Chinese people and China celebrate Lunar New Year. As likes any big celebrations in general, people who are celebrating its New Year saying typical words when they meet each other.

One common phrase which used to say when the Lunar New Year is Sing Kung Kyi Hi which means in Bahasa is happy celebrate the new spring. When explored more deeply, these words contain something positive which two people who meet each other saying greetings and blessing one another.

What they do  in Lunar New Year, it is apparently also applied by the Apostle Paul in his life at that time. For example it is proven by the words of God in Ephesians 4:29. We can read that in this verse, the Apostle Paul told the Ephesians that when they were talking to other people, they should use the words which may nurture and bring relief, or in simply words "use words that build".

The Apostle Paul's own goal who simply asking them that way is so that people who listen to them be blessed.

As followers of Jesus, we ought to bless someone's life. Through simple actions and words, we can touch hearts and bring them to know God.

Have you already said the words that bless those around you today?

Through words, you can make a day of one's life becomes messed up, but also through the words you can make a day of one's life to be wonderful.

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