The Essence of Forgiveness
Kalangan Sendiri

The Essence of Forgiveness

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Mark 11:26

"But if you will not forgive, neither will your Father that is in heaven, forgive you your sins."


Bible Reading for a year: Luke 3-5; Colossians 2-3; Matthew 6-9

One night, I called an old friend whom had not been seen for long time (just call her A). First, we were talking so many things, including career, information and future. However, in the midst of conversation, I was remembered to my other friend (let's call her B). Suddenly, A told me that B was mad at me. I was shocked and asked A for reason.  In short, I eventually encouraged myself to ask for forgiveness to B, but she did not want to forgive me.

Then I was thinking for a moment and began to ask God about what the essence of forgiveness is. Is it difficult to do?

Talking about forgiveness, we can look to Joseph’s story. When his brothers did something cruel to him, Joseph still forgave them. It also happens to our lives in God. As sinner, we feel that we are not worthy to be forgiven. However, God will forgive us if we want to confess our faults, ask Him for forgiveness and leave our sins.

If we refuse to forgive those who are guilty on us, we will be a bitter man. Bitterness always hit on us and influences our surroundings and even to our work. When someone does something wrong to us, we have to forgive him soon although it is not easy to do and to forget. Therefore, if we hard to forgive, then let God gives you power to forgive so that He can clean all your hatred from your heart and life and make it to a brand new again.

By forgiving, we are definitely releasing a prisoner, our selves.

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