Full of the Holy Spirit
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Full of the Holy Spirit

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Ephesians 5:18

And be not drunken with wine, wherein is riot, but be filled with the Spirit


Bible Reading for a year: Psalm 10; Revelation 16; Nehemiah 12-13

 In the days of the Apostle Paul, wine is a common thing to describe something that can make a person drunk. Unlike today, there are so many things which describe something that can make a person drunk.

To be intoxicated person needs to drink lots of wine, because if someone drank only a little then he would not be drunk. In other words, one needs to be drunk, someone needs to like it and gets used to drink and with full compliance he filled his body with something that could make him drunk.

The Bible explains by saying simply that wine or something that can give rise to heady lust. And we also know that most people in this time deliberately making wine or anything that can be intoxicating, as a tool to make them "happy, solid, strong and courageous". Despite the fact that once they are aware of the problem will come back to them and instead they are trapped and bound in addiction that makes them depend on these things.

Word of God is so great to provide answers and solutions to mankind. Through the Apostle Paul, we are not only given the ban and knowledge about the negative effects of drunk with wine but the Apostle Paul explains what should be done and possessed by every human being is that we are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Instead we become dependent with wine or anything that can intoxicate, it’s much better if we depend and intoxicated by the Holy Spirit. As disciples of the Lord Jesus who first experienced the fullness of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. They who were filled with the Holy Spirit are able to worship God in Spirit and Truth and it is very difficult to stop them not to preach, sing / praise, prayer, praise, and glorify God and His works.


Everyone can do good things, but only people who are always filled with the Holy Spirit who lives in God’s willing.

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