Jobs Vacancy / 13 November 2015

Kalangan Sendiri


Puji Astuti Official Writer

Christian Broadcasting Network Indonesia is a place where creative media meets the Good News. Loaded with young creative people in a vibrant working environment in Lippo Cikarang, CBN Indonesia currently produces 4 TV shows weekly, handling more than 10,000 respondents monthly. This includes "SOLUSI", one of the longest running programs in Indonesia's broadcast history, and “GenerasiZeru”, a movement-oriented youth program. CBN Indonesia also serves and empowers local churches through “Superbook” the award-winning animation series, along with its Sunday School program., CBN's web portal is currently one of the most influential Christian websites in Indonesia. 

In this season of growth, CBN Indonesia is hiring these leadership positions :

1. HRGA Manager

Responsibilities :

HR Administration : Control Employee Contract, Probation, Daily Freelance, Apprentice, Termination, Resignation, Rotation, Promotion, Demotion, Transfer / Mutation, Personal File, Employee Data Base, Budgeting etc 

Employee Relationships : Control Certificate of Employment, ID Card, Employee Account number, Appointment Letter, Reward & Sanction, Company Regulation, Public Relation, Employee Communication Forum, Ceremony, Sport, HR Event, Family Gathering, Uniforms etc 

Compensation : Control Payroll, Over Time, Incentive, Fixed & Not Fixed Allowance, Loan, Car Ownership Program (COP), Bonus, Salary Scheme, Conduit (tardiness, attendance, sick, permit, absent, etc), Annual Leave, Long Leave, etc 

Benefit Implementation : Insurance (Medical Claim, Hospitalization etc), JAMSOSTEK, Pension (DPLK), Minimum Wage District (UMK), Medical Check Up, etc. 

People Development : Control & Conduct Training (Induction, Management, Technical, On The Job Training, Competency etc), Recruitment, Man Power Planning, Turn Over Analysis, HR Form & Standard, Career Path, Performance Appraisal, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Monitoring, Employee Mapping (Human Asset Value Mapping), Man Power Statistic, Organization Structure, Job Description, Competency Matrix, Counsulting & Counseling etc. 


Male, maximun 40 years of age 

Min Bachelor's Degree (preferable Law) 

At least 3 years of working experience in the same field. Preferably in health industry such as in medical centre or hospital or NGO 

Strong knowledge of labour code and HR best practices 

Has strong leadership character 

Pleasant personality & character 

Be competent in the existing manpower law 

Problem solving skills and can maintain a fairness atmosphere 

Can work under pressure 

2. Marketing Manager

Responsibilities :

Oversees the execution of the marketing communication programs

Directing the strategy, design and execution of marketing efforts 

Ensure successful execution of all Media and Analyst Relations programs 

Ensure strict adherence to all media relations and corporate communications policies and protocols

Monitors market trends and oversees advertising and marketing activities to ensure the right message is delivered for the product or service.

Work closely with many teams, including product developers, researchers, marketing personnel and creative agencies to make sure the company brand values and image are followed.

Making sure the organization’s advertising and marketing activities send out the right image.

Oversee the production of TV adverts, newspaper and magazine advertisements, direct mail packs, email campaigns, websites, exhibition stands, road shows and liaising with art designers, copywriters, media buyers and printers.

Supervising the sign off of marketing literature and campaigns, liaising with legal and compliance personnel, ensuring the designs and messages meet the company brand and regulatory guidelines.

Monitoring product distribution and consumer reactions through focus groups and market research. 

Coordinating the launch programmed to external customers as well as employees.

Directs and leads marketing and corporate communication programs which include strategy development, program implementation and evaluation, and budgetary control in the areas of advertising, promotion, public relation, exhibitions and media communication.


Bachelor’s degree (min.), university degree or equivalent, advanced degree preferred 

Minimum of 5 years’ experience in marketing, business development and/or marketing communications roles

Has expertise and skills in strategic marketing and communications, and an expert in integrated marketing concepts, branding and message development

Excellent working experience of all aspects of marketing and communications, and has a broad understanding of the business marketplace and has a network of relationships in the marketplace.

Ability to work autonomously and independently, yet integrate appropriately with other areas within Marketing & Communications and other areas within company

Fluent in English, with superior oral and written communications skills and presentation skills.

Ability to present ideas and concepts in a presentation setting. 

Competent in the use of social media, as well as understanding how to use and maximize social media for the purposes of marketing communications. 

3. Broadcast Media Manager

Responsibilities :

Provide support in key developments in broadcast management system 

Conceptualizing of TV programs, developing of channel and demand generation with Production Support Manager 

To work together with all departments within CBN to both develop and incorporate strategies to achieve CBN Indonesia’s stated vision and mission both in existing programs and in developing new programming. 

To work together with various departments with in CBN to get special CBN/OB products to market and to coordinate together to maximize the unique mixture of platform, program and personnel that CBN have. 

To manage the operational aspects of the production department including but not limited to: 

a) Production planning and execution

b) Monitoring of programming results through various surveys and agencies, as well   as working with relevant departments related to program results 

c)  Monitoring staff attendance.

d) To support both strategically and practically the needs of other departments, products and projects related to the broadcast media department, such as mobile, new media and internet products. 

To be responsible for the ongoing planning, preparation, and control of the broadcast media budget. 

To work together with the HRD department at CBN to identify departmental needs and train departmental staff accordingly.  Also partnership with HRD department to recruit, hires and internally train new staff, and manages the overall growth of the HRD of the production department.


5 years relevant experience in Broadcast industry 

Knowledge / experience in professional broadcast media tools   

Excellent Communication, Presentation and Negotiation skills 

4. Outreach Manager


Pria/Wanita max 40 tahun

Pendidikan min S1 Theologia/jurusan lainnya

Memiliki kematangan rohani dan pengalaman di dalam pelayanan min 4 tahun

Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, teliti dan disiplin

Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa inggris (min pasif)

Responsibilities : 

Membangun hubungan dengan gereja/organisasi/lembaga pelayanan lain untuk bekerjasama dengan CBN.

Menyusun, memantau dan mengevaluasi kinerja dan pencapaian target-target Konselor dan tehnik konseling.

Mengembangkan jaringan dengan gereja atau lembaga pelayanan lain yang dinilai sejalan dengan visi dan misi CBN Indonesia.

Menyusun konsep, serta membuat Sumber Daya/Resources dan Alat/Tools (dengan bantuan tim media jika dibutuhkan) yang akan digunakan di dalam penjangkauan dan pemuridan bersama gereja atau lembaga pelayanan lain. 

Menyusun konsep, perencanaan, dan implementasi program-program training yang berkaitan dengan usaha memperlengkapi Supervisor dan Head Konselor.

Memantau kembali responden-responden dari target2 Konseling Center seperti Salvation, JALA, Kesaksian & Mitra CBN

5. Fundraising Manager


Membuat strategi yang kreatif & efektif untuk mempertahankan/maintain kesetiaan Mitra dan meningkatkan donasi Mitra tersebut.

Membuat analisa Mitra CBN untuk menerapkan strategi maintain yang efektif.

Mengembangkan strategi & produk yang kreatif & inovatif untuk kegiatan memaintain donor. 

Membangun & memaintan networking dengan komunitas2 Kristiani: persekutuan, gereja lokal, pengusaha lokal untuk mendapatkan dukungan.

Mengembangkan strategi yang kreatif & efektif untuk memperoleh donor baru sesuai dengan target yang telah ditentukan di media CBN melalui Program TV CBN, website CBN dan di luar media CBN (Presentasi, Personal Prospek, PD, dll)

Mengembangkan strategi dan marketing tools yang kreatif & efektif untuk memperoleh donor baru.


Pria/Wanita max 40 tahun.

Pendidikan Min S1 dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Head of Donor Development min 3 tahun.

Menguasai teknik presentasi dan berkomunikasi dengan baik dan jiwa kepemimpinan yang tinggi.

Memiliki hubungan dengan berbagai gereja, toko buku, majalah/tabloid rohani dan komunitas rohani lainnya.

Kemampuan berbahasa inggris (min pasif).

6. Line Producer/Segment Producer

Resposibilities :

Producing segment (testimony, spot, features, video profiles, clips and news) in accordance with its quality and quantity specified.

Directing the work of determining the angle segment, directing talents, Cinematography concept and etc.

Doing rough edit and direct the appropriate editor to edit the final draft specified.

Responsible to other duties that assigned by the superiors in their capacity.


D3/S1 with any background (Preferable Mass Communication/Journalism/Broadcasting/Media/Television).

Have experience as writer/producer in television field.

Fluent in English is a plus.

Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines.

Able to interview and script-writing.

Have experience in the direction to camera person and talent for shooting indoor/outdoor.

Good knowledge in Adobe Premiere and Photoshop.

7. Researcher (Journalist)


Conducting presentations to institutional and building partnerships.

Searching,finding and interviewing potential sources and related parties (such as doctors, police, family, friends, etc.) to determine the worthiness of the material.

Makesynopsis of research material on target quality and quantity specified.

Draw up andrecord all testimony that has been or yet aired, and submitted to the supervisor for the integration of the data.

Performother duties that given by the supervisor in their capacity.


Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree all majors (Preferable Journalism, Mass Communication).

Male/Female, age max 30 years old.

Having good communication skill and make relationship.

Have a widespread connection/network.

Strong written, verbal and interpersonal communication skill.

Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines

8. Video Editor

Resposibilities :

Melakukan proses editing (termasuk clip selection, cutting, trimming, trasition, correction/adjustment, effects, titling, etc) secara kreatif sesuai dengan infromasi dan arahan producer.

Mencari dan menggunakan tambahan footage atau soundtrack yang tepat dari library atas persetujuan producer yang bersangkutan.

Melakukan tugas lain yang diberikan oleh atasan sesuai dengan kapasitasnya.

Aktif di social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, vimeo).


Pendidikan minimal SMA sederajat

Pengalaman sbg Editor adalah nilai tambah

Pria/wanita, max usia 30 tahun

Familiar dengan program Adobe Premiere & Photoshop.

Jujur dan bertanggung jawab.

Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan dead-line

Mampu bekerja team dan individual

9. 3D Animator & Motion Graphics Artist

Responsibilities :

Membuat atau membantu menciptakan konsep Model 3D dan Animasi

Melakukan semua tugas pemodelan dan animasi

Menjaga pengembangan diri dan keterampilan melalui penelitian dan pembelajaran (baik efisiensi dan estetika)

Pengajaran composite dan ilustrasi yang berhubungan dengan perangkat lunak sebagai tambahan untuk pemodelan, animasi dan rendering


Pria / Wanita, max 30 tahun

Pendidikan min D3/S1

Menguasai 3D software (Autodesk 3DSMax/Maya/Softimage)

Menguasai Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator dan After Effects (untuk motion graphics-related projects)

Mampu menggambar ilustrasi/character design/storyboard

Menguasai character animation

Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, berkepribadian menyenangkan dan mampu bekerja dalam   tim

Harap menyertakan link website untuk online portofolio Anda

Membawa showreel dan portfolio saat dipanggil untuk interview nanti

10. Unit Manager/Production Assistant


Menyusun jadual detail, & mempersiapkan kebutuhan shooting, mulai dari lokasi, talent, props, konsumsi, transportasi, dan hal-hal lainnya sesuai dengan permintaan producer. 

Menyusun budget shooting dan mengelola penggunaannya secara efisien di bawah koordinasi producer. 

Membuat expense report disertai nota / bukti-bukti pengeluaran shooting. 

Di bawah koordinasi staf yang bertugas, bertanggung jawab atas inventarisasi props, kostum, make up, data-data talent serta lokasi yang digunakan dalam shooting sesuai prosedur yang berlaku.


Pria/wanita, max usia 30tahun 

Pendidikan minimal SMA sederajat 

Pengalaman sbg Event Organizer adalah nilai tambah 

Jujur, detail dan bertanggung jawab. 

Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan dead-line 

Mampu bekerja team dan individual

11. Cameraman Assistant

Resposibilities :

Memeriksa kondisi dan kelengkapan peralatan shooting sesuai prosedur yang telah ditentukan

Melakukan tugas sebagai asisten kamera, grip, dan lighting crew pada saat shooting sesuai dengan instruksi, termasuk menyiapkan peralatan di lokasi shooting, melakukan set up lighting, menempatkan peralatan pada tempat-tempat yang dinilai aman, dsb.

Dalam shooting ENG, bertindak sebagai audio crew, termasuk di dalamnya mempersiapkan dan mengoperasikan audio equipment seperti handheld/clip on mic, boom mic,

Membantu unit manager mempersiapkan lokasi dan property pada saat set up lighting 


Male / Female, max 30 years of age

Pendidikan minimal SMA sederajat

Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Asst Cameraman adalah nilai tambah

Mampu mengoperasikan DV Camera HDV Camera dan Audio Camera Equipment

Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan

Mampu bekerja team dan individual

12. Graphic Design

Responsibilities :

Membuat design & strategi komunikasi untuk produk & promosi program TV CBN meliputi design di berbagai media: cetak, web, video, dll

Mendukung semua event departemen Online Media (Design, Foto, booth, dll)

Membuat design merchandising yang membantu membentuk image CBN dan produk CBN 


Pendidikan min D3 - S1 Design Graphics.

Pria/ Wanita, usia max 28 tahun.

Fresh Graduated (ada pengalaman lebih diutamakan).

Dapat bekerja secara team work atau sendiri, dan berdasarkan deadline yang ketat.

Kreatif, pekerja keras, dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan.

Mengirimkan portfolio hasil design.

13. Web Content

Responsibilities :

Write/translate/edit articles writing for website contents and other materials

Finding/cover/interview/collects/analyzes/concluded informations and materials for article writing website

Edit photos/images for website content

Being whirled in every event/activity/event being held website


Fresh Graduatesare welcome

Hold min Bachelor degree (S1) from any discipline

Preferred Have experience as a Journalism or Writer

Smart and broad knowledge

Strong in writing and reading

Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines

Excellent interpersonal relationship & communication

Halaman : 1

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