Lowongan Kerja / 8 May 2014

Kalangan Sendiri


Puji Astuti Official Writer

We are organization, dedicated in ministry through mass media.

We produce news and features for national and international TV Program.
Now we are looking for people of excellence, people of integrity, and people of innovation to fill this position:

1. Segment Producer

Resposibilities :

  • Producing segment (testimony, spot, features, video profiles, clips and news) in accordance with its quality and quantity specified.
  • Directing the work of determining the angle segment, directing talents, Cinematography concept and etc.
  • Doing rough edit and direct the appropriate editor to edit the final draft specified.
  • Responsible to other duties that assigned by the superiors in their capacity.



  • D3/S1 with any background (Preferable Mass Communication/Journalism/Broadcasting/Media/Television).
  • Have experience as writer/producer in television field.
  • Fluent in English is a plus.
  • Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines.
  • Able to interview and script-writing.
  • Have experience in the direction to camera person and talent for shooting indoor / outdoor.
  • Good knowledge in Adobe Premiere and Photoshop.


2. Unit Manager/Production Assistant


  • Menyusun jadual detail, & mempersiapkan kebutuhan shooting, mulai dari lokasi, talent, props, konsumsi, transportasi, dan hal-hal lainnya sesuai dengan permintaan producer.
  • Menyusun budget shooting dan mengelola penggunaannya secara efisien di bawah koordinasi producer.
  • Membuat expense report disertai nota / bukti-bukti pengeluaran shooting.
  • Di bawah koordinasi staf yang bertugas, bertanggung jawab atas inventarisasi props, kostum, make up, data-data talent serta lokasi yang digunakan dalam shooting sesuai prosedur yang berlaku.



  • Pria/wanita, max usia 30tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal SMA sederajat
  • Pengalaman sbg Event Organizer adalah nilai tambah
  • Jujur, detail dan bertanggung jawab.
  • Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan dead-line
  • Mampu bekerja team dan individual


3. Video Editor

Resposibilities :

  • Melakukan proses editing (termasuk clip selection, cutting, trimming, trasition, correction/adjustment, effects, titling, etc) secara kreatif sesuai dengan infromasi dan arahan producer.
  • Mencari dan menggunakan tambahan footage atau soundtrack yang tepat dari library atas persetujuan producer yang bersangkutan.
  • Melakukan tugas lain yang diberikan oleh atasan sesuai dengan kapasitasnya.
  • Aktif di social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, vimeo).


  • Pendidikan minimal SMA sederajat
  • Pengalaman sbg Editor adalah nilai tambah
  • Pria/wanita, max usia 30 tahun
  • Familiar dengan program Adobe Premiere & Photoshop.
  • Jujur dan bertanggung jawab.
  • Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan dead-line
  • Mampu bekerja team dan individual


4. Cameraman Assistant

Resposibilities :

  • Memeriksa kondisi dan kelengkapan peralatan shooting sesuai prosedur yang telah ditentukan
  • Melakukan tugas sebagai asisten kamera, grip, dan lighting crew pada saat shooting sesuai dengan instruksi, termasuk menyiapkan peralatan di lokasi shooting, melakukan set up lighting, menempatkan peralatan pada tempat-tempat yang dinilai aman, dsb.
  • Dalam shooting ENG, bertindak sebagai audio crew, termasuk di dalamnya mempersiapkan dan mengoperasikan audio equipment seperti handheld/clip on mic, boom mic,
  • Membantu unit manager mempersiapkan lokasi dan property pada saat set up lighting


  • Male / Female, max 30 years of age
  • Pendidikan minimal SMA sederajat
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Asst Cameraman adalah nilai tambah
  • Mampu mengoperasikan DV Camera HDV Camera dan Audio Camera Equipment
  • Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
  • Mampu bekerja team dan individual


5. Web Content

Responsibilities :

  • Write/translate/edit articles writing for website contents and other materials
  • Finding/cover/interview/collects/analyzes/concluded informations and materials for article writing website
  • Edit photos/images for website content
  • Being whirled in every event/activity/event being held website


  • Fresh Graduatesare welcome
  • Hold min Bachelor degree (S1) from any discipline
  • Preferred Have experience as a Journalism or Writer
  • Smart and broad knowledge
  • Strong in writing and reading
  • Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Excellent interpersonal relationship & communication
  • Have integrity, energetic, creative with excellent health

  •  Have a knowledge Adobe Premiere will be an advantage


6. Art Coordinator

Resposibilities :

  • Bertanggung jawab atas konsep, strategi, dan implementasi seni di dalam setiap produk/brand CBN supaya tercipta keberagaman yang sehat, sesuai konsep, dan mendukung misi dari setiap produk



  • Pria / Wanita max 35 tahun
  • Min S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual / Interior / Arsitektur / Fashion
  • Memiliki pengalaman sbg art director, diutamakan dalam project media
  • Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas mengenai konsep seni: bangunan, fashion, grafis, dsb
  • Enerjik, kreatif dan inovatif
  • Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, komunikasi yang baik dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan deadline

7. Media Relations Coordinator

Responsibilities :

  • Responsible for creating creative and innovative product promotion of TV programs
  • Coordinate the activities of promotion team from concept to implementation


  • Male / Female max 30 years
  • Min Bachelor Degree major in Marketing, Public Relations, or Mass Communication
  • Min experience 2 years in the promotion / relation field
  • Good in positioning products on the market
  • Good in formulating creative strategies in the promotion / communication
  • Excellent leadership, interpersonal skill, good character and able to work under deadlines and pressure
  • Preferebly has a basis in graphic design & editing
  • Energetic, creative and innovative


8. Partner Relations

Responsibilities :

  • Create and maintain Sponsor/Partner of CBN Indonesia
  • Present and promote CBN and programs/products
  • Have responsibility in maintaining and developing Partner Page in
  • Responsible of concept, content and design Partner's buletin
  • Plan and programm on the activities of partners


  • Male/Female, Age between 22-35 years
  • Min Diploma/S1, at least 2 years experience in Marketing
  • Preferably have experience in TV Media
  • Posses good communication and presentation skill
  • Most likely have good networking
  • Able and willing to travel
  • Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines


9. Promo Producer

Responsibilities :

  • Bertanggung jawab membuat strategi & ide kreatif (video, script, editing, audio.) promosi mitra CBN baru di program TV CBN untuk memperoleh donor baru sesuai dengan target Partner Relation yang telah ditentukan.
  • Bertanggung jawab membuat strategi promosi Program TV CBN dalam bentuk video, iklan radio (audio) dll, (Media CBN & media luar)
  • Bertanggung jawab atas penyimpanan data semua video2 yang diproduksi oleh divisi ini.
  • Melakukan tugas lainnya yang mendukung kegiatan promosi departemen Media & Partner Relation.


  • S1/D3 di bidang broadcasting.
  • Min 3 tahun pengalaman dibidang broadcasting sebagai produser.
  • Diutamakan berpengalaman membuat TVC, feature, short segment.
  • Menguasai proses produksi dari pre - pro - post production.
  • Memiliki ide-ide kreatif dalam berpromosi.


10. Graphic Design

Responsibilities :

  • Membuat design & strategi komunikasi untuk produk & promosi program TV CBN meliputi design di berbagai media: cetak, web, video, dll
  • Memenuhi kebutuhan design secara corporate
  • Mendukung semua event departemen Media & Partner Relation(Design, Foto, booth, dll)

  • Membuat design merchandising yang membantu membentuk image CBN dan produk CBN


  • Pendidikan min D3 - S1 Design Graphics.
  • Pria/ Wanita, usia max 28 tahun.
  • Fresh Graduated (ada pengalaman lebih diutamakan).
  • Dapat bekerja secara team work atau sendiri, dan berdasarkan deadline yang ketat.
  • Kreatif, pekerja keras, dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan.
  • Mengirimkan portfolio hasil design.


11. Web Programmer

Responsibilities :

  • Designing, developing and testing software applications.
  • Diagnozing, fixing and testing any faults to ensure our systems operate correctly.
  • Code implementation and integration testing.
  • Assisting the ongoing development of our software products.
  • Participating in the quality control activities undertaken in the team.
  • Develop, Test, integrate and deploy Application and Database Design.


  • Male/Female, max 35 years.
  • Bachelor Degree major Information Technology, Computer, Science, Computer Engineering from reputable university.
  • Understanding PHP, My SQL, HTML, JavaScript dan CSS
  • Have experience as Programmer min 2 years.
  • Energetic, creative, and innovative.




12. Finance Staff

Responsibilities :

  • Recording and checking the completeness of data in every transaction activity into the bank's books.
  • Responsibility to the check book/giro
  • Coordinating, scheduling purchases, making the receipt and distributing the stationery and other supplies from / to the entire department.
  • Inspect and make an offer to purchase any item carefully in accordance with the specifications of the goods prior to payment.
  • Filling all documents related tothe purchase.


Requirements :

  • Male / Female, age maximum 35 years old.
  • Min. D3/S1 Accounting/Finance with experience 1-2 years in the same field.
  • Computer literate (MS. Office).
  • Accurate, honest, hard-worker.
  • Having a good communications skills
  • Willing to work under pressure and tight dateline.
  • Able to work individually and in a team.
  • Willing to be placed in Lippo Cikarang


13. Tax & Accounting Supervisor

Responsibilities :

DesAccounting :

  • Memeriksa kebenaran sebuah transaksi baik penerimaan maupun pengeluaran.
  • Bertanggung jawab atas kebenaran dan ketelitian Pembukuan sesuai dgn Standard Akuntansi dan Peraturan Pajak yang berlaku dan sesuai dgn kebijakan Perusahaan.
  • Bertanggung jawab untuk berkoordinasi dengan Finance dalam hal menindaklanjuti setiap hutang maupun piutang yang terdapat pada Neraca.
  • Bertanggung jawab untuk tutup buku harian/ bulanan/tahunan sesuai dgn Standard Akuntansi Keuangan dan dead line yang telah ditentukan.
  • Melakukan supervisi kinerja dan bimbingan agar tepat waktu dan sesuai prosedur serta bertanggung jawab penuh atas tugas dan tanggung jawab setiap staff di divisi Tax & Accounting


  • Menyiapkan Permohonan Dana dan SSP dari masing2 jenis pajak serta bertanggungjawab untuk melakukan penyetoran pajak sesuai dengan dead line Peraturan Perpajakan.
  • Memverifikasi SPM untuk setiap jenis pajak serta lampiran2nya dan melakukan pelaporan ke Kantor Pelayanan Pajak SPM yang telah mendapat approve dari Manager.
  • Menyerahkan dan meminta bukti pemotongan pajak kepada pihak ke3.
  • Membuat daftar rekonsiliasi pajak yang diperlukan serta rekapan atas semua jenis pajak yang telah dilaporkan ke kantor pajak.
  • Secara aktif mengikuti perkembangan peraturan perpajakan, Memahami dan menerapkan peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku yang diselaraskan dengan kondisi perusahaan, serta bertanggung jawab untuk mengsosialisasi kepada bagian2 terkait, misalnya divisi Finance.

 Filing :

  • Bertanggung jawab atas sistem filing yang teratur dan rapih serta mudah ditemukan kembali dari setiap berkas-berkas yang berhubungan dengan akunting dan perpajakan.


  • Melakukan tugas sebagai internal Audit atas transaksi2 yang harus dibukukan.
  • Membantu Manager dalam yang berkaitan dengan eksternal audit serta administratif kepada pihak ketiga.


 Requirements :

  • Pria, maks 45 tahun
  • Kristen, tidak merokok, kondisi sehat
  • Min S1 Akuntansi/Perpajakan
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai staf min 2 tahun, sebagai Coordinator/Supervsior min 1 tahun
  • Menguasai prinsip akuntasi umum, dasar-dasar perpajakan dan memahami sistem akuntansi
  • Memiliki jiwa kepemipinan , teliti, jujur dan cekatan
  • Mampu bekerjasama secara tim dan individual
  • Bersedia lembur
  • Memiliki komunikasi yang baik
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi


14. Driver


  • Pria max 35 thn
  • Pendidikan min STM/SMU atau sederajat
  • Memiliki SIM min A
  • Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun sebagai driver
  • Jujur, rapih dan disiplin


15. Security                            


  • Pria max 30 thn
  • Pendidikan min STM/SMU atau sederajat
  • Tinggi badan min 170 cm dengan berat badan proporsional
  • Pengalaman kerja min 1 thn dibidang security
  • Jujur, tegas dan disiplin


16. New Media Manager

Responsibilities :

  • Link building and socialization of online content. Familiarity with the internet, social media sites, search engines, discussion boards, blogs, video sharing sites.

  • Develop & Analyze New Media Strategy & Performance
  • Develop all on-line media for the company, including web sites, You Tube channels or other, and Monitoring existing and new social networks for potential opportunities
  • Make periodic report(s)
  • Coordinate and monitor online activation(s)
  • Managing the social media/on-line production strategy for company; using existing and upcoming media formats.
  • Creating social media campaigns, alternate media campaigns to achieve the vision and mission of the company.
  • Implement a proactive strategy for capturing customer online reviews. Monitor online ratings and respond accordingly.



  • A bachelor’s degree in any field and having 5 years work experience
  • Proven research and writing skills.
  • 2-5 years management experience required
  • Demonstrated leadership and management skills
  • Strong communication skills, including writing/presenting with Bahasa and English
  • Strong positive attitude, analytical aptitude, creativity, intelligence, organizational skills and a motivated spirit
  • Professional and well-presented; Creative, energetic and highly motivated. Self-discipline and goal-oriented.
  • Displays in-depth knowledge and understanding of Social Media platforms and their respective participants and how each platform can be deployed in different scenarios.
  • Displays ability to effectively communicate information and ideas in written and video format.


17. Marketing Communication Manager

Responsibilities :

  • Oversees the execution of the marketing communication programs
  • Directing the strategy, design and execution of marketing efforts
  • Ensure successful execution of all Media and Analyst Relations programs
  • Ensure strict adherence to all media relations and corporate communications policies and protocols
  • Monitors market trends and oversees advertising and marketing activities to ensure the right message is delivered for the product or service.
  • Work closely with many teams, including product developers, researchers, marketing personnel and creative agencies to make sure the company brand values and image are followed.
  • Making sure the organization’s advertising and marketing activities send out the right image.
  • Oversee the production of TV adverts, newspaper and magazine advertisements, direct mail packs, email campaigns, websites, exhibition stands, road shows and liaising with art designers, copywriters, media buyers and printers.
  • Supervising the sign off of marketing literature and campaigns, liaising with legal and compliance personnel, ensuring the designs and messages meet the company brand and regulatory guidelines.
  • Monitoring product distribution and consumer reactions through focus groups and market research.
  • Coordinating the launch programmed to external customers as well as employees.
  • Directs and leads marketing and corporate communication programs which include strategy development, program implementation and evaluation, and budgetary control in the areas of advertising, promotion, public relation, exhibitions and media communication.
  • Manage Social Media marketing campaigns and day-to-day activities including:

    • Curate relevant content to reach the audience.
    • Write editorial content
    • Monitor, listen and respond to users in a “Social” way while cultivating leads and sales.
    • Conduct online advocacy and open stream for cross-promotions.
    • Develop and expand community and/or blogger outreach efforts.
    • Oversee design (ie: Facebook Timeline cover, profile pic, thumbnails, ads, landing pages, Twitter profile, and blog).
    • Design, create and manage promotions and Facebook ad campaigns.
    • Compile report for management showing results (ROI).


  • Bachelor’s degree (min.), university degree or equivalent, advanced degree preferred
  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in marketing, business development and/or marketing communications roles
  • Has expertise and skills in strategic marketing and communications, and an expert in integrated marketing concepts, branding and message development
  • Excellent working experience of all aspects of marketing and communications, and has a broad understanding of the business marketplace and has a network of relationships in the marketplace.
  • Ability to work autonomously and independently, yet integrate appropriately with other areas within Marketing & Communications and other areas within company
  • Fluent in English, with superior oral and written communications skills and presentation skills.
  • Ability to present ideas and concepts in a presentation setting.
  • Competent in the use of social media, as well as understanding how to use and maximize social media for the purposes of marketing communications.


18. Broadcast Media Manager

Responsibilities :

  • Provide support in key developments in broadcast management system

  • Conceptualizing of TV programs, developing of channel and demand generation with Production Support Manager

  • To work together with all departments within CBN to both develop and incorporate strategies to achieve CBN Indonesia’s stated vision and mission both in existing programs and in developing new programming.
  • To work together with various departments with in CBN to get special CBN/OB products to market and to coordinate together to maximize the unique mixture of platform, program and personnel that CBN have.
  • To manage the operational aspects of the production department including but not limited to:

a) Production planning and execution

b) Monitoring of programming results through various surveys and agencies, as well   as working with relevant departments related to program results

c)  Monitoring staff attendance.

d) To support both strategically and practically the needs of other departments, products and projects related to the broadcast media department, such as mobile, new media and internet products.

  • To be responsible for the ongoing planning, preparation, and control of the broadcast media budget.
  • To work together with the HRD department at CBN to identify departmental needs and train departmental staff accordingly.  Also partnership with HRD department to recruit, hires and internally train new staff, and manages the overall growth of the HRD of the production department.



  • 5 years relevant experience in Broadcast industry
  • Knowledge / experience in professional broadcast media tools  
  • Excellent Communication, Presentation and Negotiation skills

19. Production Support Manager

Responsibilities :

  • Responsible for providing technical guidance and support for CBN’s programs
  • Carry out periodic internal vessel inspections and also to coordinate with the other department for management systems and other third party audits/inspections.

  • Investigate equipment damages, arrange repairs and implement corrective measures.
  • Direct and manage project development from beginning to end.

  • Define project scope, goals and deliverables that support business goals in collaboration with COO.
  • Develop full-scale project plans and associated communications documents.
  • Draft and submit budget proposals, and recommend subsequent budget changes where necessary.
  • Where required, negotiate with other department managers for the acquisition of required personnel from within the company.
  • Determine the frequency and content of status reports from the project team, analyze results, and troubleshoot problem areas.
  • Coach, mentor, motivate and supervise project team members and contractors, and influence them to take positive action and accountability for their assigned work.
  • Build, develop, and grow any business relationships vital to the success of the project.
  • Conduct project post mortems and create a recommendations report in order to identify successful and unsuccessful project elements.
  • Develop best practices and tools (if applicable) for project execution and management.


  • Minimum 3 (three) years relevant experience in broadcasting
  • Technically competent with various software programs.
  • Can conform to shifting priorities, demands and timelines through analytical and problem-solving capabilities.
  • Flexible during times of change.
  • Adept at conducting research into project-related issues and products.
  • Must be able to learn, understand, and apply new technologies.
  • Ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasks in a high-pressure environment is crucial.           



20. Chief Financial Officer

Responsibilities :


  1. Assist in formulating the company's future direction and supporting tactical initiatives
  2. Monitor and direct the implementation of strategic business plans
  3. Develop financial and tax strategies
  4. Manage the capital request and budgeting processes
  5. Develop donor development strategies that support the company's strategic growth and direction.


  1. Participate in key decisions as a member of the executive management team
  2. Maintain in-depth relations with all members of the management team
  3. Manage the Finance and Accounting, Human Resources, Donor Relations, Legal and General Affairs, and Facility and Engineering departments
  4. Oversee the financial operations of subsidiary companies and foreign operations
  5. Oversee the company's transaction processing systems
  6. Implement operational best practices in the areas of authority.
  7. Oversee employee recruitment and benefit plans
  8. Supervise acquisition due diligence and negotiate acquisitions
  9. Oversee the Information Technology operations and development of the company.

Financial Information

  1. Oversee the issuance of financial information
  2. Report financial results to the BOD

Risk Management

  1. Understand and mitigate key elements of the company's risk profile
  2. Monitor all open legal issues involving the company, and legal issues affecting the industry
  3. Construct and monitor reliable control systems
  4. Maintain appropriate insurance coverage
  5. Ensure that the company complies with all legal and regulatory requirements
  6. Ensure that record keeping meets the requirements of auditors and government agencies
  7. Work with external auditors and investigate their findings and recommendations


The candidate chief financial officer should have a master's degree in Business Administration, management or Finance/Accounting, or equivalent business experience, meaning 10+ years of progressively responsible experience for a major company or division of a large corporation or non-profit.  Should have experience in partnering with an executive team, and have a high level of written and oral communication skills.

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Business Studies/Administration/Management or equivalent.  A Master’s Degree is preferred.
  • At least 10 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably has worked at a senior management level for at least 5 years in a related field or position.
  • Willing to move to a location near the Headquarters of the company.
  • Male or Female
  • Fluency in English (written & oral) is a Must.
  • Capable in handle budgeting, cash flow management, and having the abilities to manage financial risks of the corporation.
  • Strong leadership, strong project management skills, an entrepreneurial spirit / initiative-taking ability.


Send your CV & copy of ID Card to : [email protected]

(write the position you want at email subject and quote the JWB sentence before the job you wanted).

For example : JWB-Segment Producer or JWB-Video Editor.


You can also send it to :

HRD CBN Indonesia

Graha MultiCommtech Indonsia

Jl Sriwijaya Kav 5-7, Lippo Cikarang Bekasi 17550.


For further information, please visit our website :


Sumber : CBN Indonesia
Halaman :

Ikuti Kami