
Chord Lagu / 17 January 2014

Kalangan Sendiri


Budhi Marpaung Official Writer

Jika Anda adalah pecinta musik bergenre pop yang tidak terlalu berat maka lagu Gold yang dibawakan oleh penyanyi muda asal Amerika Serikat, Britt Nicole merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk didengarkan. Sejak intro pembuka hingga akhir lirik, tidak ada ornamen-ornamen bunyi maupun suara yang sangat ekstrim (menjelimet).

Sepertinya Nicole dan pengarransemen lagu memang sengaja menghadirkan lagu dengan tipe seperti ini (ringan dan ceria) – yang saya nilai memang cocok dan pasti dilirik oleh para kaum muda.

Dari sisi pesan, apa yang terkandung di dalam lagu ini juga bagus yakni menyuarakan bahwa setiap kita ini adalah emas (berharga). Mungkin kesukaan atau hobi kita tidak sama dengan yang sekitar, tetapi jangan itu membuat kita akhirnya rendah diri (sombong).

Sebagai sebuah alternatif pilihan lagu sehari-hari, Gold patut dikoleksi oleh Anda. Dijamin, Anda tidak akan kecewa membelinya.  


Album : Gold (2012)

Label : Sparrow Records

A = Do


A                                                             E

You were walking on the moon, now you're feeling low

A                                                 E

What they said wasn't true, you're beautiful

D                                                   E

Sticks and stones break your bones, I know what you're feeling

D                                                       E

Words like those won't steal your glow, you're one in a million


Chorus :

D                              E

This, this is for all the girls, boys all over the world

D                                  E

Whatever you've been told, you're worth more than gold

D                              E

So hold your head up high, it's your time to shine

D                                     E

From the inside out it shows, you're worth more than gold

D                         E

(Gold gold, you're gold)

E                                 D

You're worth more than gold

D                        E

(Gold gold you're gold)


A                                                E

Well everybody keeps score, afraid you're gonna lose

A                                   E

Just ignore they don't know the real you

D                                        E

All the rain in the sky can't put out your fire

D                                              E

Of all the stars out tonight, you shine brighter


* back to chorus

                       D                        A

So don't let anybody tell you that you're not loved


And don't let anybody tell you that you're not enough

                      D                                    A

Yeah there are days when we all feel like we're messed up


But the truth is that we're all diamonds in the rough

         D                          A

So don't be ashamed to wear your crown


You're a king you're a queen inside and out

D                                  A

You glow like the moon, you shine like the stars


This is for you, wherever you are


E            D

Yeah, yeah


You're gold


* back to chorus

          D                                            A

So don't be ashamed to wear your crown


You're a king you're a queen inside and out


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