Christ is Enough
Sumber: jawaban

Chord Lagu / 26 July 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

Christ is Enough

Budhi Marpaung Official Writer

Penulis Lagu : Reuben Morgan & Jonas Myrin

Album : Glorious Ruins (2013)

Distributor di Indonesia : Insight Unlimited

Sebagai penulis lagu, Reuben Morgan terkenal dengan karya-karyanya yang jujur dan lugas. Hal ini pun kembali ia tunjukkan lewat Christ is Enough, salah satu lagu yang masuk dalam album teranyar Hillsong Live, “Glorious Ruins”.

Jika mendengar atau membaca lirik-liriknya, Christ is Enough merupakan lagu reflektif atau dengan kata lain lagu yang dibuat penulis untuk mengajak pendengarnya mengingat kembali apa yang sudah dilakukan dalam rangka peneguhan/pemantapan diri.

Melalui Christ is Enough, Reuben Morgan bersama rekan penulis lainnya, Jonas Myrin, hendak berpesan agar kita tidak perlu kembali ke dalam kehidupan lama karena Yesus sudah cukup bagi kita.  

Lewat arransemen sebagaimana ciri khas Hillsong, lagu ini sungguh membangun atmosfir pujian dan penyembahan kepada Tuhan. Satu kata terakhir yang bisa saya tuliskan disini, saya sungguh menikmati ketika mendengarkan Christ is Enough.


G = Do


Verse 1:
   Em              C                             G   D/F#
Christ is my reward and all of my devotion
                 Em                    C                             G   D/F#
Now there's nothing in this world that could ever satisfy

Pre-Chorus 1:
                       C              D    Em
Through every trial, my soul will sing
     D/F#    C            Em          D
No turning back, I've been set free

     G                            Em                     D  C
Christ is enough for me, Christ is enough for me
                  D        Em    C                   D
Everything I need is in You, everything I need

Verse 2 (progression chord same as verse 1):

Christ my all in all, my joy and my salvation
And this hope will never fail, Heaven is our home

Pre-Chorus 2 (progression chord same as Pre-Chorus 1):
Through every storm, my soul will sing
Jesus is here, to God be the glory

Bridge 1:
               G                                         C                     D
I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back
               G                                         C          D         G
I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back
                Em     C                    D    Em                  C   Em                D
The cross before me, the world behind me, no turning back,    no turning back
                 Em    C                     D   Em                   C         D        G
The cross before me, the world behind me, no turning back, no turning back


Bridge 2:
             Em  C             D    Em                 C  Em                D
I have deci-  ded to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back
              Em C             D    Em                  C           D        G
I have deci-  ded to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back


               G                                        C  Em                 D
I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back
              G                                          C           D         G
I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back


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