Lay Me Down

Chord Lagu / 27 July 2012

Kalangan Sendiri

Lay Me Down

Budhi Marpaung Official Writer

Pencipta Lagu : Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman

Album : Passion: White Flag


Lay Me Down adalah lagu yang diciptakan oleh Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Jonas Myria, dan Jason Ingram. Dibawakan sendiri oleh salah seorang penciptanya - Chris Tomlin - lagu ini mendorong kita agar berserah penuh kepada Tuhan.


C = do



Intro : Am C/B C (2x)


                Am                               C

With this heart open wide  from the depths from the heights

       Am       G      C

I will bring a sacrifice

                    Am                              C

With these hands lifted high  hear my song, hear my cry

       Am       G     C            Am        G      F  C

I will bring a sacrifice   I will bring a sacrifice



F            C                       G

I lay me down I’m not my own

    Am          G      F                                            

I belong to you alone

               C                   G

Lay me down  Lay me down

F                     C                     G

Hand on my heart this much is true

               Am      G         F

There’s no life apart from you

               C                   G

Lay me down  Lay me down

G             C                  G

Lay me down  Lay me down


*Back to intro


           Am                           C

Letting go of my pride  giving up all my rights

              Am       G         C                 Am      G         F  C

Take this life and let it shine   Take this life and let it shine


*Back to Chorus




It will be my joy to say Your will Your way


It will be my joy to say Your will Your way

                   G                       F           G      C

It will be my joy to say Your will Your way always   


*Back to Chorus (2x)


Ending :

G             C                  G

Lay me down  Lay me down


Outro :

Am C/B C

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