
Chord Lagu / 29 March 2012

Kalangan Sendiri


Budhi Marpaung Official Writer

Pencipta Lagu : Sidney Mohede

Album           : Favor (Available Soon – 2012)


G = Do

Tempo 65




Em C G D Em C G


Em             C                G

There is a song in every silence

               D                   Em

There is a dawn in every darkness

              C                   G

There is a hope in every pain

Em              C                G

There is a spring in every winter

            D                   Em

Even in doubt there is believing

                      C                    G

Through every season You are near



            G                     D

Oh Your favor and Your grace Lord

          Em7             C

Last a lifetime, last a lifetime

  G                    D

Oh Your Favor and Your grace Lord

Em7              C
Last a lifetime, last a lifetime


Verse II:

Em        C                    G

You satisfy our deepest hunger

                    D                        Em

You broke the bond and set us free

                  C             G

You gave us life eternally

Em          C                          G

Jesus the name that calms our fears

          D                       Em

Only in You our sorrows cease

                    C                 G

Your love has won and now we see

* Kembali ke Reff 2x


G     D                   Em                    C

Hallelujah, You are faithful, You are faithful

G     D                   Em                   C

Hallelujah, You are faithful, You are faithful

Sumber : Kidung.com/bm
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