All Around

Chord Lagu / 28 January 2011

Kalangan Sendiri

All Around

Lois Official Writer

Intro: Eb2   Ab2    Bb/D  Eb2   Ab2   Bb/D (repeat)


Eb Ab       Bb    Eb

All around All around


Everywhere I look

                  Bb Eb     ( Cm on repeat)          

Your love is all around

Eb     Ab    Bb   Eb                           Ab                     Bb   Eb

All around, all around. Everywhere I look, Your love is all around.


(repeat twice)   



Eb2  Eb/G     Ab  Eb/G    Bb

       Let the  Na- tions        sing

           Ab       Eb/G    Eb    Eb/G   Ab   Bb   Eb  

Let the people shout

Eb/G       Ab  Eb/G    Bb 

Let Your kingdom       come

               Ab     Eb/G   Eb  Eb/G  Ab  Bb Eb  Fm/D   G7/5+ 

pour Your Spirit out

Bb/C   Cm7     Bb/D             Eb    Ebsus Eb  Eb2/G   

Mani-  fest      Manifest Your love

Bb/C     Cm7   Bb/Ab   Eb/Ab      Fm7    Ab/Bb

Mani-    fest    Mani-    fest   your   love


(repeat chorus)

(repeat  verse)

(repeat chorus)



Ab                                                 Eb

     Your love is too deep to navigate

          Ab/Eb   Eb       B°7    

and it's too     high to climb

Cm              G/B Cm      Bb/D   Cm/Eb  Eb/F

But still it's a       vail  able


F13                         Ebm/Ab     Db/Ab    Abm7       Fm7/Bb

time after time after time          after           time after time

          A7(b5)    Ab7M

Your love          lifted me

                    Ab/Bb  Bb    Ab/Bb   Fm/Bb   

It's too deep to nav-  i-    gate


      It's too high to climb,oh.

G7/5+/9+      Cm11     Bb/D   Cm/Eb  Bb/D Cm/Eb    E°7

Oh but           still, still it's      avail -    a-     ble

Eb/F        Abm7       Fm7/Bb  

time after time after time


Can I get a witness?





Hey now  Oh now, Oh now. Oh now.

Hey, now. Oh now. Oh now. oh now


Everywhere I look Your love is all around  (repeat 6x)


(repeat Chorus)

(in E )


E/G#   A        B/D#  E        E/G#             A                       B/D#  

All       around    All   around.  Everywhere I look  Your love is all 



E/G#   A         B/D#   E            E/G#         A                       B/D#

All      around,  all       around.  everywhere I look,  Your love is all 



(in F )


F/A  Bb         C/E  F       F/A             Bb                       C/E  Dm

All     around   All around. Everywhere I look, Your love is all around

F/A  Bb         C/E  F       F/A             Bb                        C/E  F

All     around,  all around.  Everywhere I look, your love is all around

F/A               Bb                      C/E  F          F/A             Bb

Everywhere I look,  Your love is all around.   Everywhere  I look, 

                 C/E   F

Your love is all around.

F/A                Bb                     C2    Eb2   C/E  F

Everywhere I look, your love is all around. All around


Ini nih video lagunya, simak saja lagunya yang luar biasa di sini

Sumber : megachords/lh3
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