Unconditional Love
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Unconditional Love

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


Bible reading for a year: [bible]psalm45[/bible]; [bible]0acts17[/bible]; [bible]exodu39-40[/bible]


If you have a partner, whether you are married or unmarried, maybe this question often arises in your mind. Would you still love me? Why does this question often arise? Surely you know that there is no true love from human. True love for you is from God only. Maybe you still remember the term love Eros. Eros is the love between men and women. It contains lust / desire. Many people love their partners because of their beauty, good looks, or perhaps of wealth. It is indeed reasonable because love of human is conditional.

So what is true love? It is reciprocal. True love is Jesus’ love for you. You don’t have to doubt His love. You don’t have to think whether God still loves you or not. But sometimes when you feel low, you ask such question. Agape love that God has given you is unconditional love. He has no reason to love you. That is true love.

God's love for man is often called love of “even though” and of “despite”. Although you have many weaknesses, God still loves you. While you're at the bottom, God still loves you. This is unconditional love.

Maybe sometimes you feel disappointed with your partner. Being disappointed with past experiences makes some people refuse to open their heart for someone else. Only Jesus can recover a wounded heart. Surrender your whole heart to Jesus, not to your partner, for the love of Jesus will never let you down.

What is the proof of His unconditional love? John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Even though you are sinful, Father God still gave up His Son to be crucified in your place. Believe that God’s love is always there for you. Human love can fade, but to your partner, you still have to give the best. By giving the best, you will receive joy whatever the outcome.

Though your sins, God the Father still give up His Son to the cross in your place. Trust only love God still persist to love you. Human love can fade, but you still have to give the best to your partner. By providing the best, you will still receive with joy whatever the outcome.


Human love is limited, but His love is whole for you.

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