God Has the Ultimate Control

Family / 25 February 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

God Has the Ultimate Control

Zee Official Writer

Laura Norman had a perfect life. She got married in 1978 and everything went well. Until one day, not long after her wedding, something strange happened to her body. Her shoulder bone started to get unattached and even surgery couldn’t seem to solve the problem. The disease then started to get painful, and her muscle started to get limp, she started to lose her sight and it was difficult for her to either sit, stand, or to walk. After years of examination, it was finally known that Laura’s nerves and muscles had been damaged.

John Kincaid MD, Laura’s doctor, said that Laura had suffered from Spinal Muscular Atrophy, which means a failure of signal sending from her nerves to the muscles. Allan Bierlein MD, her other doctor said that the disease might cause Laura to lose weight and strength, it might also cause he body to get weaker and breathing difficulty, anemic, and eventually would cause death. According to the doctor, the disease couldn’t yet be cured.

After knowing about her disease, Laura thought hard how she could make her remaining life useful. She had been involved in services for children, to bring them closer to God. In her condition at the moment, she asked God about what she could do with her present condition. The same thng went to Steve, her husband. Steve felt a huge amount of struggle in him. He had never thought that his wife would get sick. He had also never thought that the family would experience something like it. But they kept trying hard to overcome the difficulty.

God really was a miracle for them. In the difficult struggle, God brought peace and new truth to them. He reminded them that according to what they believed, humans exist in the world to serve God. If God willed to heal Laura, then so would she be. The life of Steve and Laura was not focused on death and struggles, but on the life of God. By understanding such value, this family managed to build new commitments and love for them to overcome the difficulties. Their partners and relatives witnessed the change in their lives. Laura’s doctor, Dr. Bierlein, saw Laura’s new spirit in her limits.

Yet after 17 years of suffering the disease, Laura could only laid on her bed. Her body was skinny, her blood pressure unstable, and when she reached her 17th wedding anniversary, Laura realized that her life was not gonna last long. She was ready to face her death. Yet, apparently God wasn’t asking her to “go home”.

The pain was unbearable, yet Laura kept struggling to hold in to God’s words. She remembered that humans’ trials were nothing, so she would be able to bear the pain. But still, it was so painful that she felt her body would break, so she asked God to lift the pain out of her body.

The next day, at 6.30 in the morning, after 17 years laying on bed because of the disease, Laura woke up and felt something different in her body. She felt…healthy. She tried moving her hands and she was confused that her hands were functioning normally. That was when she knew that God had touched her body. She held her husband’s hands tightly and decided to try walking. Knowing that it had been 7 years since Laura’s last steps, Steve expressed his concern. Yet Laura proved that God’s healing really existed. She walked and showed everyone that after being paralyzed for 7 years, she was healed.
Laura Norman has been completely healed at the moment. She can go horse-riding, and ride motorcycles. The disease that had been gnawing her body has vanished, and she presents this testimony to a lot of people. It was truly a miracle. However, the biggest miracle that God has given to her is the promise of salvation that God has given to her.

No temptation[a] has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted[b] beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,[c] he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Source of Testimony:

Laura Norman

Sumber : jawaban.com / spiritual / Zee
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