True Story of Mangiring Napitupulu, a Man Who Trusted Shaman More Than God

Family / 31 October 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

True Story of Mangiring Napitupulu, a Man Who Trusted Shaman More Than God

Yenny Kartika Official Writer

Mangiring Napitupulu was an automotive entrepreneur and tire reparation. To extend his business, he intended to take advantage of black magic through a shaman and he had to prepare a lot of money to do so.

“If I was not mistaken, once we consulted with the shaman, it took five hundred thousand rupiahs per half an hour. At that time, it was very expensive, but worth to what we later obtained,” Mangiring said.

Since then, Mangiring admitted that his income from the automotive workshop increased drastically. His customers getting more, even they gave no complaints for the service. This improvement made him more attached to occultism.

“Once I knew that the shaman could do anything, I went to him more frequently. Moreover, I thought that he was a kind of necessity.”

Strangely, after he got abundant income, he became more anxious and afraid of losing everything he had gained. The excessive worry finally affected his behavior. He became resentful and offended.

“At that time, I was temperamental and irritable. To me, insignificant mistake that someone made was fatal. For example, I could be very angry when someone brought me a drink or cigarette late. I could not content myself until I threw away anything,” he recalled the past moment.

He made his wife and daughter as an outlet for his anger. That condition happened for years. Indeed, his daughter Dina Napitupulu felt sad witnessing changes in his father’s behavior which was violent and did not love his own family.

Until one day, he was diagnosed with some diseases such as liver, heart, and stomach disease—and all of them were very complex. Even though his illness was very severe, he still chose to consult the shaman to ask for healing. Unexpectedly, he got disappointed because the shaman, whom he had trusted all this time, was not able to heal him. Since then, he broke off contact with the shaman.

“For a long time, I still ask the shaman for the treatment, but I was never healed. At last, the shaman said that my diseases were difficult to be healed. He suggested me to pray more often. I was disappointed.”

In the middle of his bad health condition, the automotive business that had provided economic support to his family all this time was bankrupt. At the very moment, Mangiring’s sufferings were complicated.

“And finally, all were gone, I was not able to pay the contract. When I was sick, I considered there’s no more future for me; I was hopeless,” he said.

However, while his daughter still put her hope and pray for Mangiring’s recovery, the restoration started to came about to this family. Through a woman, Mangiring was introduced to Jesus, who is a doctor and able to heal his illness.

“One day, there was a woman. She used to be my customer. The woman said that there is one healer, who is very awesome, doctor above all doctors. She said that I can find the healer in the book she brought to me. And when I read The Bible, I was revived,” he said.

Through the Word of God that he read, he found peacefulness and was encouraged to trust Jesus that might heal him. “By his wounds you have been healed,” (1Peter 2:24) was a verse that raised him up from the despair.

Since then, Mangiring was totally healed; indeed his past in occultism was released. Mangiring, who used to put his trust in black magic, is now changed and trusts God as the one and only healer and savior. The fear of financial or future no longer confines him as it used to. Now, he is set free and trusts Jesus wholly, that He works and manages all his life and family.



Mangiring Napitupulu

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