The Secret of Jesus's Victory

Kata Alkitab / 8 January 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

The Secret of Jesus's Victory

eva Official Writer

Philippians 2:10

That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth


Many people do not understand as what and when Jesus Christ experienced His victory. Even those who are anti-Christ say that Jesus was loss by defenseless when the enemy of Israel caught and killed Him.

Mostly expect that the coming Messiah is the Messiah who builds the Kingdom or the government on earth by the earthly power and victory, such as doing political strategy, war and physical defense. ([bible]0John18:36[/bible];[bible]Acts1:6[/bible]).

God could repeat the history by giving the Messiah to the world as the ages of Moses, Joshua, Samson, Gideon, or even The King of David who delivered the nation of Israel by ways of war successfully ([bible]Judges6:36[/bible]).

Anyway, the history proved that those ways did not bring any great changing and its impacts was not immortal, since in fact, the source of human’s problem are: the shackled man, knee down, and was enslaved by sins.

Since Adam was fooled, the mankind was under the demons and devils’ authority. That was why God heard the prayer of prophets, priests and His holy people who were expecting the Messiah’s arrival whom could deliver and restore the man’s traces.

Jesus Christ came to this world in order to fight devils and to break its authority and its works. For the Christ or the true Messiah came down from the heaven and had a mission to return the mankind as the winner of sins, flesh and devils’ impacts ([bible]Colossians2:15[/bible]).

Therefore, the loss of devil/Satan was absolute in every fighting and war against Jesus Christ, since He became the part of mankind. And when we were seeing the whole story of Jesus Christ as man, then there are 7 victories of Jesus over the devil.

The devil is defeated by Jesus for the first time when He was in the dessert ([bible]Matth4:1-11[/bible];[bible]0Luke4:1-12[/bible]). That victory is still continue to the loss of devils for the second times where Jesus successfully healed and recovered many people and even gave the authority to His disciples so that they could heal and chase the devils away ([bible]0Luke10:17[/bible]).

The third times of its loss is when Jesus refused the desires of many people who wanted to lift Him up to be the king ([bible]0John6:14-15[/bible]). While the fourth times of its loss is when Peter persuaded and gave his empathy to Him ([bible]Matth16:21-23[/bible]).

As what the Scripture of Luke said that the devil kept going to search the opportunity to defeat Jesus. Hence, he still hoped that Jesus was loss by changing His mind to step back/avoid of the cross, but thank God that the devil is defeated by Him successfully.

The fifth loss of devil is when Christ defeated His fears successfully in Gethsemane. At His struggling in prayer, His sweat became like drops of blood ([bible]0Luke22:44[/bible]). This thing is still continue to the sixth loss of devil when Jesus was dealing with Pilates where Jesus did not encourage to prove Himself as the powerful of the only Begotten Son [bible]0John19:9-10[/bible]). 

The peak of devils and demons’ loss is about the willingness of Jesus to be wounded, destructed and even died on the cross. The tremendous win in along the history of man, where there was a man who did not use His power/public impacts, words, politic and His great name to defense Himself, but He was willing to be humiliated and wounded until He died on the cross.

If we see the successful journey of Jesus Christ and His victorious living, then we would find the secret that made Him as a victorious God. The secret of Jesus’s victory is about His love to Father and to us, the mankind. Hence, there would emerge the sincere and truly obedience to His God of Father.

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