3 Things that God Hates

Kata Alkitab / 10 January 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

3 Things that God Hates

eva Official Writer

The Christian family is different to family whose world class standard. Why? As God taught us that we do not come from this world. Therefore, if there is someone playing with his marriage, his family, then what would Jesus say? God cut off the man who did this from the Jacob’s tents, although they brought offering, involved in ministry and church’s activist, God does not want us to play with our family.

Hence, the most precious property that we have is not about the deposit, BMW or Mercedes, but it is about our family. If you build a happy family today, until whenever it is, your name will be memorized by others.

[bible]Malac2:11-15[/bible] explained about it. “Did not the only God make them as flesh and spirit? And what is the unity? Divine descendant! So take care of yourself. "Verse 15. Husbands, take care of yourself. Wives, take care of yourself as well as your mouth. Mouth likes to make trouble. Everyone should keep theirselves.

"For I hate divorce, words of God, the God of Israel," verse 16a. Why? Since the divorce will never be the solution. Divorce is not and will never be the way out. That work is what God hates.

How about a gay husband? How about a lesbian wife? How about a wife whose mouth never stopped talking from morning until bedtime? Whatever the reason, the Bible’s statement is very clear. The Bible says, "I hate divorce."

So, what about if the husband hit or beat you? Whether it should remain so till the death? The same God says "I hate divorce," The same God also said, "Come unto me all the weary and heavy laden, I will give you rest." The same God who said, "I hate divorce," the same God is also in charge to solve every problem that we bring to Him. The same God also said, "I hate divorce," The same God that made ​​fresh water into sweet wine.

Not just divorce, "there are also people covering their clothes with violence, says the Lord of hosts. Then take care of yourself and do not be betrayed." verse 16b. The original violence is rudeness.

So there are three things that God hates. God hates divorce, rudeness, and betrayal. The Bible says He does not only love, but hate. So do not do those three things.


Sumber : Jawaban.com | Eva Gultom
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