True Story: The Successful Entrepreneur from the Poor Family

Family / 17 December 2012

Kalangan Sendiri

True Story: The Successful Entrepreneur from the Poor Family

eva Official Writer

The successful life of Paulus Mulyadi who has been an entrepreneur now was apparently started since his childhood. Even, for eating, he had to sell his bed-cover which would be used to buy meals such as Tempe and tofu.

The economic problem which hit his family had encouraged him to trade. Actually, he was really ashamed and envy to his other friends who could play, while he had to trade walking around in his young age. To get money, he got it from selling marbles that he had won from games with his friends.

Although his family moved to Jakarta in order to get an appropriate living, their lives still were not changed. His family eventually lived in his grandmother’s house whom had a canteen. There, Paulus helped his grandmother’s business by washing dishes and serving customers. Moreover, he had to selling cakes which were made by his mother to several shops and food outlets.

Feeling depressed of the routine activities and his gloomy future, Paulus had a willingness to run away from his home. However, it did not happen because there was a man of God who lived next door holding him and giving him an understanding. “He asks me to stay and to pray. When I am praying, God has realized me. Oh yea, I may not do that anymore. That is my turning point,” said Paulus.

Entering his college, Paulus still kept fighting to selling all around by offering some kitchen utensils, such as any kind of pots to his surroundings. However, he had failures. But, there was a man who gave him a spirit and asked him to selling as what he did. When that man did it, Paulus was really passionately and focused on his business.

His tough life which was filled by hard work, pray, passion, hard mental and hope made God developing his business. “I have become a sales since I was kid and I never realized it before, such as door to door. I thank God for having hard mental as now and am not ashamed. That was the process of my life and I really thank God, he has proceed me as now, so I could survive and tough,” said Paulus.

“Until now and then, Lord never leaves me. I am here now and so is this company, all because of His favor. Without Him, I have nothing. I have nothing at all, so what I have to proud of? There is none that I have to proud of. I am proud now just because of Him,” closed Paulus thanking to the work of Lord Jesus in his life.


Source: Paulus Mulyadi

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