Home Newsletter November 21

The Heartwarming Story of a Faithful Sunday School Teacher Serving CBN


As a form of CBN's appreciation to Sunday school teachers who have faithfully served the children and their families over the years, CBN gave awards to selected teachers. They have been instrumental in discipling children in their area, have passion and commitment to children's services. These teachers come from the regions of Java, NTT, and Kalimantan.

The following are the testimonies of the teachers who were named the best teachers in 2021.

Angga Pricila Dewi (GAIS Gideon Nayu Surakarta)

Angga is very grateful when his church has joined to use the Superbook curriculum. Sis Angga's heart and passion for child service is getting hotter. He saw for himself how God changed the character and attitude of his Sunday school children.

Not being allowed face-to-face Sunday school made his heart restless. One of the service posts that used to have 14 children, now only 8 children can be served. This further fueled his enthusiasm for teaching.

If there is a GSM who is unable to teach, Angga swiftly replaces him. Once upon a time, the teachers who were supposed to teach at the 3 ministry posts of his church couldn't teach. Angga immediately raced on his motorbike, taking turns teaching at the 3 service posts even though they were quite far from each other. It was all done in one day.

Desi Pandu (GMIT Pattern Tribuana Alor)

Desi has been serving children since 2007. Desi's church actually has a learning module for children. But the children who attended the worship service were less enthusiastic. Until September 2018, Superbook was present on Alor Island and Desi's church started using it.

Even though there is no media (laptop and LCD) from the church for Sunday school, Ms. Desi keeps trying. Praise God, one of Desi's friends wants to lend her his laptop. Desi was very happy when she saw the children were enthusiastic and active while learning God's word.

Changes in the children began to be seen. Children who were too lazy to go to Sunday school became diligent, and many children experienced changes in character. This all happened because they understood the word of God that was conveyed.

Elyana Drian (GBI Congregation of the Kingdom of God Darit, West Kalimantan)

Elyana has been serving children since 2016. Together with her husband who is a pastor at the church, she is called to present the love of Christ for her children and their families. Sis Elyana really misses having complete, creative and innovative teaching materials for her Sunday school. Elyana's prayer was answered through the presence of a Superbook in her area.

Elyana s struggle with Superbook has paid off. Many children experience life changes, one of which is Devi Panus. Elyana is also diligent in inviting children to participate in Superbook activities, such as Super Easter, participating in the Church Talent Festival, and encouraging other GSMs to develop themselves through Super Teacher Online Training.

Let's continue to support Superbook's children's ministry, so that more children and families will know God's love, love God's Word, and become a blessing. Click the button below.

Ikuti Kami