'Train up a young person according to the path that is right for him, so that even in his old age he will not deviate from that path. (Proverbs 22:6)
Did you know that parents are chefs of their child's mind and heart? Correct! Just as a food ingredient is immersed in a spice that gives it a distinctive taste, so our children are immersed in the household nature formulated by their parents.
Parental traits stick with our children, as they are continually immersed in our love, arguments and debates, our parenting patterns, and our house rules. What we do and don't do as parents is the stick of parenting. Proverbs 22 says that we must make sure that our upbringing is proper, loving, with integrity, according to God's Word, and other noble things.
Have you educated your child in a proper way?
God bless.
Chairman of the CBN Indonesia Foundation
Mark McClendon