A new year is often associated with something new, bringing along fresh enthusiasm. However, what is even more remarkable than this is experiencing a new life in God.
Just like you, Eko Pribadi (30 years old) has experienced great joy since knowing God — an experience he never imagined before.
Eko was born into a family that lacked harmony and religious life. A home that should have been a place of comfort was instead often filled with domestic violence. Without love or religious guidance, Eko grew up to be a quick-tempered person. His prayer rituals were just a routine, and he stopped practicing altogether about 10 years ago.
But one night, an experience changed Eko’s life forever! He dreamt of being approached by God. Rather than feeling scared, he felt a peace like never before, prompting Eko to seek to know Jesus.
Praise God! The unwavering support of CBN Partners became the path for Eko to receive a new life in God. During his search, he found CBN Prayer Center contact on Jawaban.com website. He is incredibly grateful, as through this service, his faith was strengthened, and he fully trusted in Jesus.
'The statement that truly convinced me that Jawaban.com is the right website was when CBN said that God is present for sinners. That’s when I realized and thought, 'Yes, I am a sinner,'' Eko shared.
Now, Eko has made Jesus the Lord of his life. What was once a routine for him, he now lives by prayer and reading God’s Word. He even welcomes others into his home for fellowship with the church community.
One soul like Eko brings such precious joy to heaven. Thank you CBN Partners, you are a channel for thousands of lost souls to find their way home.
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