Home CBN Updates Agustus 2024

Dare to Fight for God's Calling

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The courage of Joshua in fulfilling God's command is a model for us to follow today. God called Joshua to 'Conquer the Promised Land.' To accomplish this, he and the Israelites had to cross the Jordan River, facing numerous challenges that required great effort and sacrifice. Yet, Joshua held firmly to God's promise, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you' (Joshua 1:5)

This promise was the foundation that made Joshua radical and militant in pursuing his calling. There was no fear or hesitation because God assured him, 'Be strong and courageous...' (Joshua 1:6), for you must fight, you must weather the storms, you must be strong! Joshua and the Israelites pursued this calling together with solid unity. 

Just like Joshua, God calls each of us, not just to be Christians in name, but to fulfill His divine purpose, completing the Great Commission in our generation. This is our Promised Land today that we must strive to conquer! 

Last month, we had the rare opportunity to climb Mount Rinjani while filming the module for The Parenting Project. When the storm hit, it seemed impossible to reach the summit, but we kept going, step by step. We finally made it to the top, though it wasn't easy. 

God may be calling you to do something. You might start to think it's impossible, or you may stray off course due to various distractions. Remember Joshua's perseverance—he continued to fulfill his calling, and the reward for his perseverance was the blessing of God's presence. 

I believe that in this generation, you can be a Joshua, called to accomplish something important that is on God's heart.   

Conquer the Land!   


Mark McClendon 

Chairman of CBN Indonesia 

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