Home Newsletter October 2021

Our Appreciation for CBN Partners

Terima Kasih Mitra CBN

Thank you CBN Partners.

As our appreciation for your support, then:

1. Get an exclusive 'I'm a Disciple Maker' bracelet by donating a minimum of Rp150.000 per month.

2. You get VIP access to join Live Streaming events Jawaban Doa via Zoom which is held every Thursday at 13.00 WIB. You can directly pray by our prayer team.

3. Free access to Jawaban Premium Page

4. Free access to Superbookkeluarga.com

Further information: 0818 0803 9229 – Naomi


Let s pray that:

1. People who follow Jawaban Doa or watch Solusi, can get financially enlightened.

2. Children and youth who take part in the Church Talent Festival can develop their talent to glorify the name of God.

Ikuti Kami