Home CBN Updates Februari 2023

"Fearless Faith" Relying on God in the Face of Challenges

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Shalom CBN Partners,


This year's CBN theme is 'Fearless Faith!' What does that mean?  This theme brings hope for us to see breakthroughs in the midst of of challenges. When Jesus commanded His disciples to cross Lake Tiberau, He meant for them to have the courage to travel and be renewed. Not to fall victim to natural disasters or or be stranded in the middle of the road.

God calls us and gives us a vision to carry forward.  His plans will be completed in our lives.  The Word of God says, 'He who began a good work among you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus' (Philippians 1:6). 

Don't be too soon to assume that God is not present when we face storms and problems. It is precisely in the midst of a storm of trouble and tribulation that God is present and leads us to His purpose.

Recently, a friend and mentor of mine, Bill Myers, passed away. He was a servant of God who taught me the meaning of Fearless Faith.  Until he was 86 years old, he never stopped fighting for God's calling in his life. Even though there were many challenges, he kept smiling and faced everything calmly.  And true, God faithfully accompanies him in every storm.

By relying on God, we will also gain courage and strength to live life with Fearless Faith. Let we start a new adventure in our life with God. 

Greetings 'Fearless Faith!'


Chairman of CBN Indonesia Foundation

Mark McClendon

Ikuti Kami