Home CBN Updates Januari 2023

CBN Prayer Center Service Successfully Guided Elvira to Know God


Until now, CBN Indonesia has succeeded in reaching people who do not know God and who need support through CBN Prayer Center. Here is one testimony of the impact of our ministry. 

Elvira Lisa Rosanti was finally baptized after choosing to follow the Lord Jesus since 2020. To get to this point is not easy for her. Because she was born into a family that did not believe yet. 

The first encouragement to know God was when she read the Bible that she got from her aunt who had chosen to follow God. The more she read the Bible, the more interested Vira became in reading the stories in it. 

Once, Vira was caught reading the Bible by her mother and made her furious. Vira's Bible was burned, not only that she was threatened to leave the house. Until finally this 26-year-old woman left home. 

In the midst of this difficult time, Vira found CBN Prayer Center contact from one of CBN's testimony shows on the Jawaban Youtube Channel. She immediately dialed the number. At that time, CBN staff who was in charge immediately responded and openly this woman from the city of Batu, Malang talked about her longing to know the Lord Jesus. Through the guidance of the staff, she eventually accepted the Lord Jesus personally and was directed to be discipled at a nearby local church. 

After feeling ready, she was baptized. Vira again contacted CBN Prayer Center and recounted God's work in her life.  She has been accepted back by her family. Miraculously, the changes she experienced made her mother interested in knowing God as well. She is even married to a man who also loves God and has been blessed with a child. 

Dear CBN partners, the impact of this service you are witnessing is the fruit of your faithfulness in supporting our service. Let's continue to support us to reach more souls in need of God's love. 



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