Home Newsletter September 2021

Helps Roni Return to God’s Love


At one point, growing up in a broken home had made Roni feel extremely low. He hated his father for not supporting his family. Because of this, his mother had to work very hard to meet their needs. Roni also heard that his younger sibling was not being taken care of properly by his father.

Sometimes Roni felt jealous of his mother's attitude towards his younger sibling. Whenever his sibling arrived home, his mother would always greet them with a big hug. But Roni never received any warm affection like that.

Over time, Roni started receiving the 'love' he needed from his girlfriend. He loved his girlfriend immensely and intended to take the relationship to the next level. But it turned out; the girl he loved so much was cheating on him! Roni was heartbroken, disappointed and hurt. He released his pain by drinking alcohol and even attempted suicide, but failed.

During this awful experience, he watched an episode of the Superyouth show on Youtube and immediately contacted the Sahabat 24 team. Roni asked for prayer so that he could get out of his current situation and get back on God’s path.

Praise the Lord! Earlier this August, Roni conveyed the happy news to the Sahabat 24 team that he had finally made peace with his past. Roni is grateful that God has forgiven all of his sins.

There was one sentence that Roni remembers the most from his Sahabat 24 counselor that continues to strengthen him, “Don't give up and don't rely on your own understanding. Remember that God is with Roni!” Roni also received a revelation from the Jabez Prayer in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, which allowed him to forgive his parents.

Ikuti Kami