Home CBN Updates February 22

The Family Knows God! Thanks to This Child.

School of Life

Getrida Tinggi Nalu's dream was finally granted by God! She and her family have now accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. This was all because Getri kept on praying and had a longing to be baptized

Getri and her family initially adhered to local beliefs. When she entered Kindergarten, then she began to know the Lord Jesus, how to pray and praise God. Until she entered the third grade of elementary school, her friend invited her to join the School Of Life (SOL) at GKS Tanaraing. This is where she can learn various lessons and begin to know more about the Lord Jesus.

Day by day, her longing to accept the Lord Jesus in her life is getting bigger. Especially when she took part in the Super Easter challenge at SOL. At that time the teacher asked, 'Who do you want to pray for?' Getri immediately replied, 'My father.' She was sad because her father was often sick but had to keep working to support his wife and four children. Getri also told her teacher that she wanted her family to also accept the Lord Jesus and be baptized.

'I really want to be baptized,' with tears in her eyes, Getri conveyed the message to her teacher.

Her teacher then prayed for Getri and her family. From there, Getri prayed diligently so that God would open a way so that she and her family could be baptized. Finally, on December 26th, 2021, Getri and her family were baptized. It was a very happy day for Getri!

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Ikuti Kami