Voices are everywhere; they’re all around us offering perspective. There are the voices that insist we’re not good enough no matter how hard we try....more>>
There comes a point in every artist’s life when they need to go beyond simply scratching the surface and truly invest every ounce of their soul in the creative process...more>>
Ir. Jarot Wijanarko benar-benar produktif ! Dua perusahaan ia pimpin dan ia pun masih bisa membagi waktu untuk menulis buku dibalik kesibukannya yang lain. Simak kiatnya !...more>>
For Matt Redman, the UK worship leader and songwriter, the elements that fueled what’s arguably his most passionate set of new songs ever were two little words scribbled in his notebook....more>>
“The Israeli festival changed us, to say the least. It was one of the most powerful moments I have ever experienced,” says newsboys frontman Peter Furler....more>>
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