A True Story of Yance Tamaela, A Violent Man

Family / 25 February 2014

Kalangan Sendiri

A True Story of Yance Tamaela, A Violent Man

Yenny Kartika Official Writer

This is the true story of Yance Tamaela, a man whose life filled with violence, alcohol, and free sex. In the beginning, Yance was not a violent man with bad behavior. He used to be a coward. However, a riot in Ambon changed everything. He was no longer afraid of anyone or anything.

A slaughter and blood that he saw before his eyes led Yance to trauma. Therefore, in 2004 he decided to move to Jakarta. He lived there with friends from his hometown. From day to day, he was accustomed to his friends’ habit. His daily life was about violence, alcohol, and prostitute. 

The pleasure did not make Yance feel much better. Day after day, he became so weary. One day, he met an old friend named Brother Puli. He wondered what has changed his friend. Brother Puli quitted smoking and his words were filled with serenity.

Yance tried to find out. Meanwhile, Brother Puli was sharing the word of God to him. After the meeting, he was so anxious. His heart ran wild; he wanted to find the answer.

Later, Yance attended a service. He heard a topic that quite similar to what Brother Puli has told him. The voice within finally led Yance to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. He was committed to change his bad traits.

After he was born again, he faced many challenges. However, through the support from his friends and his own commitment, Yance was able to leave his past life.

From a savage with dark past, Yance was changed by God into a loving man.

“Jesus came for me, died for me. I was accepted by Him. I can feel that this is the real life. I feel my life was so beneficial for others. If there’s anyone who had hurt me, I would learn to forgive first and that’s what I want to do as a believer. Thank You Jesus,” Yance Tamaela ended his testimony.



Yanca Tamaela



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