Franky, Being Trapped in Blood Covenant with Lucifer

Family / 15 January 2014

Kalangan Sendiri

Franky, Being Trapped in Blood Covenant with Lucifer

Yenny Kartika Official Writer

‘Alfrance’ Franky was 19 years old, and his life was filled with many problems and hardships. When he attended a friend’s birthday party, he was introduced to a foreign man. Franky was attracted to the man because he was able to read his mind and his condition of life. The man even promised Franky a BMW car, Harley Davidson motorcycle, and luxurious house as solution for Franky’s problems; if Frankt wanted to join his organization.

“I was confused, I had a lot of problems, so I attracted to him easily,” Franky explained.

However, taking part in the organization demanded some strange requirements. The man cut Franky’s hand, and Franky had to sign a letter of agreement with his blood.

In the first meeting, he was introduced to another foreign man. The man introduced himself as a Lucifer, a fallen angel from Heaven. Franky was afraid, but he could not go back. The more he got involved in the organization, the more he participated in strange satanic rituals.

Until one day, Franky, who has been assigned to high level position in the organization, had to accomplish a difficult and challenging task, i.e. killing some Jesus’ followers who were endangering the existence of the organization.

“With my power, I raised the car which was 100 meter away from me. The car was rolling, and all the people inside cried out, “Lord Jesus, help me! The blood of Jesus, help me!” And when the car collapsed, I saw it crashed. But when I came closer, they got out of the car, one by one.”

He did not expect it. The power that he gained from Lucifer was unable to kill the Jesus’ followers. Franky was depressed; and a question came to his mind. “What was really happened? Why were they saved by simply mentioning Jesus’ name and the blood; and Lucifer’s power seemed ineffective?” Then, how could Franky finally find answer to all questions in his life? Could he be free from Lucifer’s grip? Watch the full story in video below.



‘Alfrance’ Franky



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