True Story of Husband and Wife Who Were Trapped in Drugs

Family / 6 November 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

True Story of Husband and Wife Who Were Trapped in Drugs

Yenny Kartika Official Writer

The couple of lovers, Rudy and Dini, were plunged into trap of drugs. They frequently fought each other; even Rudy did not hesitate to hit Dini. Drugs usage has been a necessity for them. If they did not consume drugs, they felt weak.

Fighting happened everywhere, both at home and in the car during a trip, indeed. At one particular time, Dini wanted to jump out of the car because she could not bear with her boyfriend’s behavior. However, Rudy had a chance to pull her back so nothing happened. Dini never felt any affection from Rudy. They got along only when they used drugs.

They were engaged for 2 years. During the dating period, Rudy used shabu-shabu, and Dini later follow her boyfriend’s habit. They lived together as if husband and wife. Finally, Dini was pregnant. In spite of pregnancy, Dini kept consuming shabu-shabu. In the beginning, Rudy consumed innex, shabu-shabu, and cocaine. Once in every two hours, he had to consume that prohibited substance.

Having found that she was pregnant, Dini became anxious. She thought that she was not ready yet for this circumstance. In the midst of confusion, Rudy asked Dini to abort the baby. However, Dini did not agree with Rudy’s suggestion. Finally they got married and let the baby alive.

However, marriage was not a good way out for them. They were husband and wife who always fought. Under the drugs’ influence, Rudy did not hesitate to be violent to his wife. Their child also became a victim of their futility. Because of their behavior, they paid no attention to their life and their children’s needs.

Finally, frightening moment happened. Rudy was fired and lost his job. There’s no more income. However, this circumstance did not make him decrease the drugs consumption. He even sold his possessions.

In the midst of his misery, he still remembered God. He was ashamed of his life. As a father and a husband, Rudy thought he had failed. He felt guilty to his wife and children.

One day, Rudy was watching a spiritual TV programme. It is said that there was a man who worried about his little sin which had been washed away. At that moment, he felt strong encouragement; he was unable to hold his tears. At that very moment, he ran into his room and cried loudly because he felt unworthy to be forgiven.

Finally, Rudy decided to look for divine healing because he did not want to get rehabilitation. One day, Rudy and Dini came into a service and took part in holy communion. At that time, he asked God to heal him. He promised that he would never use drugs anymore. And he felt something was released from him.

The next day, he felt his body turned fit and healthy. He considered that God has given him a new body. At that very moment, he decided to break his bad habit. Later, he also apologized his wife for all his mistakes.

Now, Rudy and Dini have been released from the trap of drugs. Rudy now becomes a husband and father who more thoughtful of his family. In the name of Jesus, all things are set free. In Jesus, they find peace. Love, that once was lost, now has returned.

God never consider how bad their past was. Jesus is able to break every chain. Jesus is awesome.



Rudy Konstan and Dini

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