I Endangered My Life for Being Obsessed by Slim Body

Family / 9 January 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

I Endangered My Life for Being Obsessed by Slim Body

eva Official Writer

Rostina, the fifth child of her six siblings, had experienced so many bad threats since she was still young. Her environment where she was living, always judged her cynically. As the consequence, since she was 4 years old, those judgments made her losing her identity. Therefore, Rostina was obsessed to have a slim body.

When she was a teenager, Rostina began to consume a slimming tea in order to keep her weight in balance.

“I had a maid from Singapore at home. Her daughter was drinking a slimming tea. When I got home and saw her, I asked her, what kind of tea that you were drinking? She answered me, this was a slimming tea.’ Then, I started to consume that tea and it apparently made me slim at that time,” said Rostina.

However, the slimming tea that she consumed was not taking any longer. Rostina started to consume pills. Hence, every meal that she consumed would come out again. Until one day, she suffered Anorexia (the disease is caused by the unbalancing between mental and thoughts). Unfortunately, this disease did not make her stop consuming her pills. In her mind, she had a principle that she had to be more beautiful than other girls.

One day, Rostina had a quarrel with her mom. Consequently, she was cooped up at her room. However, she did not lose the idea. Rostina used a bedspread that was tied to her bed and she did it successfully.

In 1987, Rostina started to work in a foreign company. Since that time, she knew about free sex.

“I knew many foreigners. I was a dishonorable girl. I resembled to prostitute, but the difference was I did not ask for payment,” said Rostina.

Sunaryo Sopian, Rostina’s brother admitted that his sister had some acquaintances and had a relationship with some Caucasians. Even, one of them was older than his sister.

Her relationship with many foreigners encouraged Rostina consuming slimming pills whose high dozes until 300 pills each day and it influenced to her kidney. From 1994-1998, Rostina had already come in and out of hospital.

Sunaryo said the impact of slimming pills usage that was consumed by his sister excessively made her sister’s body as like a walking skull.

When her condition seemed no hope anymore, her parents took her back home.

In her desperation, Rostina remembered to her past whose sinful and to her pleasures that she had experienced during this time. She cried and at that time God touched her life. However, it did not make her hope coming back. Even, she asked God to take away her life if it was the time indeed. Her demand was denied by God and she was still alive although her condition did not recover for 100% yet.

One day, her mom was asked by Rostina to join in a sermon. There, she felt God’s love. She began to listen the preaching. By the end of sermon, the preacher did a challenge of a new life to people who were attending at that time. When she heard it, she cried.

It did not stop until that time, Rostina was taught by God to release her forgiveness to those who hurt her, such as her mom and some her ex-boyfriends. Consequently, she had already kept bitterness to those people.

After going back from that sermon, her life was changing. She began to read the Bible every day. She left her pills/drugs and cigarettes.

“God really gave me a chance to relive as the light in this world. For His name and His personal, I am saved,” said Rostina ending her testimony.


Source: Rostina Supian

Sumber : Jawaban.com | Eva Gultom
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