The Contrary of Homosexuality to Creation (Part 1)

Kata Alkitab / 21 January 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

The Contrary of Homosexuality to Creation (Part 1)

eva Official Writer

1Corinthians 6:9

Do you not know that unrighteous men will not inherit God's Kingdom? Cherish no delusion here. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor any who are guilty of unnatural crime


The most striking and misdirection sins that rule the world by the end of Lord Jesus arrival (the Judgment day) is adultery and indecent. Evil and demons know exactly about human weaknesses and defenseless in controlling their lusts and loves. [bible]Revel18:3[/bible]

Demon and human know each other that love and lust are created by God and are placed inside the human body and soul. This knowledge is always used as a reason to stand constantly in sin. This thing is very regrettable as human does not know how to use those graces (lust and love) correctly, right and precisely, according to its function.

Human’s defenseless in using those graces are caused by their fallen into sins, so that they are getting away or being separated from the intimacy with God. Human prefers to choose “independent” than being same as God, and eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil ([bible]Genes2:16-17[/bible];[bible]Genes3:1-6[/bible]).

Demons deliberately cheat on human so that humans think and feel that they could overcome their life’s problem and run their function as the conquerors of the world without any intimacy and fellowship with God.

As a sequence, human does not get any success and happiness after eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil instead of their disobedience made them embarrassed, fear, condemned, and hatred either to their selves, their fellows or God.

Their messing feeling and thoughts have caused messing opinions, faith, conclusions and bleary perspectives and it tends to misleading.

That’s why as the explanation at the first paragraph, the most striking and destructive sins are adultery and indecent, and it happens from the age of genesis to revelation and even by the end of God’s arrival (as explained in Revelation).

The weird is that adultery and indecent are always related to other sins.

As the occultism and the power of darkness, these sins would manifest the sins of adultery and indecent. Even, their worshippers had gods or things which are related to love and sexuality. And the worst thing is they have rituals that refer to sexual relationship.   

Besides those things, the ironical thing is all rules and religions teaching on this earth are dragged by human defenseless and their desires of flesh, as all religions (human made) actually legalize or purify those sins by giving ‘the rules’, such as polygamy, polyandry, abortion and about married-divorced. [bible]Matth19:8[/bible];[bible]0Mark10:5[/bible].

It proves that religion does not answer human problems and the authority to win from sins. As we will be wondering if there is a teaching from a religion which explains that sexual relationship can still happen when human have already been in heaven whereas those who pass will get a gift, an angel.

Catastrophe and misleading will produce the same things because it always sacrifices family, descendant and environment for those who live in obvious adultery and indecent which are contrary with any norms and illegal.

As children who come from the disillusion for whose mother is disappointed by their father, or vice versa. Or when men or women get disappointed as they have become the victims of sexual abuse or get frustrated in their love, then negative impacts will hit their lives.

Those negative impacts may become a circle of demon, whereas men and women who have already become the victims will continually keep up their satisfaction that they do not get from their parents, their pairs, or their idols so that they do some compensations by mislead ways, as adultery and indecent by their own selves, beast, homosexual or many ways which humiliate God and destroy their image as humankind. [bible]0Rome1:26-28[/bible]).


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